The Battle for Helm's Deep

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EDITED 6-25-17 


Emryn stood on the balcony overlooking the forests surrounding Rivendell. Their vastness made her feel small, the shadow of the mountains making her feel smaller.

I want to see the world, she thought wistfully, looking back at the maps of Arda hanging on her walls. Uncle would never let me leave. I'm only 16. She sighed frustratedly. Valar help me, she prayed.


Emryn was reminded of that moment now, overlooking the hordes of Uruk-hai flooding into the Deeping Coombe. The mountains on either side made the darkness more oppressive, their craggy sides leering down at her.

Valar help us indeed. She stood next to her brother, her body taut with anticipation. The thundering of the Uruk's feet was joined by actual thunder. Of course, she thought wryly. Then the skies opened up and let forth the deluge, and she was soon soaked through.

"Are you alright, Calad?" Her brother shouted over the roar.

"I'm fine," she replied, but her voice gave her away. Suddenly the pounding steps stopped, and an inhuman yell was heard from the field.

"Are you alright, Estel?" She asked, steadying her voice.

"I'm fine," he replied, and turned to offer her a quick grin. "Like you said, we'll make it through this."

Emryn nodded, and her brother yelled commands at the elven host. She prepared her arrow, familiarizing herself with the new bow, when she saw an Uruk go down on the front line. There was an eerie quiet across the armies, before the Uruk-hai bellowed and charged forward.

Emryn let arrow after arrow fly from her bow, letting decades of training take over. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Suddenly, as the Uruks reached the wall, a huge ladder swung up in front of her face. She drew an arrow, shot the incoming Uruk, and kicked the ladder back with the help of Aragorn. However, more ladders came up, and Emryn was forced to replace her bow and draw her sword.

Over the din she heard a lone dwarf's voice crying out, "Twenty-one, twenty-two!" She smiled then, in spite of the horror around her. I'm not the only one counting, it would seem. She continued taking down the orcs, the excitement of the battle taking over. She smirked at the Uruk coming at her, and he hesitated when he saw her face. She ran him through and fought on.


They can't just give us a break for a minute can they, she thought wearily as the battle drew on. She dodged a blow aimed at her neck before returning with a thrust at her attacker's stomach. She saw another Uruk coming in behind that one, so she lifted her leg up and kicked the Uruk hanging off her sword into that one, before lunging forward and plunging her sword into its mouth. Forty-one, forty-two.

She looked around, searching for her next attacker, but was relieved to see that for the moment she was not in immediate danger and sheathed her sword. Thank the Valar.

And then the world fell out from under her.

A huge blast threw her section of the wall backwards, sending her flying into the grounds around the keep. Her newly-healed leg struck the edge of a piece of rubble, tearing open another gash along her thigh. "Damnit!"

She forced herself to her feet and turned back to the battle. All across the Deep the elves and men were fleeing back into the Keep. She quickly ripped the bottom of her tunic off and tied it around her leg to help slow the bleeding, and then began limping after the others, staying on the outskirts to avoid the Uruks.

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