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I hear screaming coming from the basement. I quickly run downstairs to see what's going on. I turn the corner and that's when things become a blur. I see Dad beating Mom with his cane, and Amber jumping on his back to get him off of her. I then see Dad beating both of them, Amber trying to protect Mom. I'm in shock. I know I should go in to help. I know I should try to save them. But all my feet can do is run. I run out of the house, not even bothering to put on shoes. The pavement hurts my bare feet, and I don't even know where I'm running to, I just need to run away. I find myself running up the road to Regina's house. I bang loudly on her door, but it's Emma who answers it. I go in and explain what has happened, and Regina, Emma, and Mary Margaret all run over to Dad's shop to rescue Amber and Mom.

"No, you stay here with Henry," Regina says to me," It's too dangerous."

Right as she closes the door, I run towards it, screaming, "NO! I NEED TO COME WITH YOU!" Henry grabs my waist and pulls me back. He tackles me and pins me to the floor until I'm calm.

"Are you better?" He asks. I nod and he gets off of me. We sit up and stare at each other for a minute until I start to cry. He hugs me and I feel ok. I suddenly realize how weird it is that I'm his aunt, yet he's older than me. Ah, well, we're all part of one big, messed up family.

This is only a temporary distraction, however. My brain refocuses on Mom and Amber, and I worry about them. I hate my father.

Once Upon a Time- Regina's daughter: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now