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"Where are they?" I yell at Gold as we walk in.

"Regina, calm down," Mary Margaret says.

"I don't know what you're talking about, dearie," Gold says.

"Don't 'dearie' me, Gold, I know what happened. Now where are they?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific. Many things have happened, and many people have ended up many different places."

I get so angry I try to propel myself over the counter to scratch Gold. Emma grabs my waist and holds me back.

"I think I might have an idea what you're referring to," Gold says calmly.

Mary Margaret puts her hand over my mouth.

"It's really none of your business, dearie. My prisoner and my wife are my property, and I can do what I please with them."

"Oh that's feminist," Emma says sarcastically.

"Again, none of your business."

I see Emma's eyes pointed at the floor, and she says, "That's a shame. Oh well, Regina, time to go."

I follow her out, trusting her that we're not leaving empty handed. "They're in the woods, I saw the dirt he tracked in."

I ditch my heels and we run to the woods. As we get closer we hear someone screaming for help, but it isn't the voice of Amber or Belle. We run towards the sound, and soon we find Mallory crying over Amber's body, Belle laying right next to them. "She's dead," Mallory says, "She's dead and we can't save her because she has no true love."

"What? Ok, slow down Mallory." Mary Margaret and Emma help Belle stand and they take her away, giving us some privacy.

"Amber's dead, but when she was Gold's prisoner Belle fed her a potion that basically makes her able to be raised from the dead with true loves kiss. The problem is, she doesn't have a true love."

My heart stops beating for a second. My world comes crashing down. I crumple to the ground, tears flooding my eyes as I realize I've lost the person I love most in the whole world. I lean over and kiss her forehead one last time, to say goodbye.

Her eyes flutter open, and I freeze. Oh my god. "True love's kiss. I love you, Amber."

"Oh my god," Mallory says,"Of course! True love isn't necessarily romantic! You really do love her."

"I love both of you," Amber says.

Mallory's eyes are flooding with tears, but she says, "Amber, I think you should go live with Regina. She truly loves you. You are much more her daughter than mine."

"But I love you too!" Amber protests.

Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in my head. "Mallory, why don't you come live with us? My house is much nicer than your little shack at the edge of town, and you can be Amber's mom too! We can be a family, no more competing to be Amber's mom, deal?"


Mallory and I lift Amber up, because even though she's alive, she still too beaten to walk. We carry her to the house, and as we bring her through the door, I think about how our new life as a family is just beginning.

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