A burden!

49 24 20

I am afraid to speak, what if I desolate,

I'd rather remain quiet,be in the triumph,and abate,

Rather I suppress it within,let grief captivate,

Rather than to sadden,I will myself delapidate.

I am afraid to open up,chances,he'd cogitate,

I'm afraid,if I would be a burden, his negate.

 I'd sit, and view the pain and darkness penetrate,

Into my veins, and mind collapses in the overweight,

I could stop it all,if only I break the silence and negotiate,

But unwilling I am to burden anyone of my current state,

So,I sit still and await, tears springing,but in hope of a better fate,

Nothing, or, no one brought good  change,while I slowly emaciate.

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