Part four- Spaghetti anyone?

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I'm The Option You Shouldn't Have Chosen- Part four.

When I woke up the only thing I could feel was the side of my neck throbbing and aching. I was still on the shitty wooden chair; it had become so uncomfortable that my body had gone numb and I couldn't feel my legs. My stomach had sharp pains going through it that were never-ending from lack of food and I couldn't believe that Slade hadn't fed me for around two days.

Only two days? It felt longer than that.

To top it all off, my body still felt drained of all energy.

"Good morning Darling." I heard Slade hiss slightly from the doorway and I just nodded my head in response. "I'm surprised you slept for song long, I must have taken a lot out of you, but you were indeed a great snack."

"Monster." I whispered. My voice came out all croaky from my throat being so dry.

"I guess that's something you could call us." He said with a chuckle. "As long as you remember, you're like the sheep and we're like the wolves. You're weak and can't escape us."

How was I supposed to answer that?

It didn't matter anyway because Slade came over and started to un-chain me from the chair.

"Here are some clothes." He said once he had removed all of the chains. "Get dressed; I'll be back in two minutes to take you down to the kitchen for breakfast."

I picked up the clothes that he had chucked on the bed; some clean underwear and a plain white, shapeless, dress. Just imagine a massive, long, white t-shirt and that's what my dress looked like. It was quite ugly, to say at the least.

My body ached as I took off the other clothes and changed into the large piece of material which fell straight down and ended just above my ankles.

What was this? Some kind of nun's dress?

"I would say that looks flattering." I heard Slade's voice from the doorway, "But it doesn't."

I looked up and glared at him.

"Come now."

I did as he said and followed him out of the bedroom and through countless numbers of hallways until we reached a very large kitchen. Everything was made out of stainless steel and was sparkling clean.

There was a window above the sink which was on the far side of the room, and when I looked out of it I realised that the sky was pitch black. What was the time?

The kitchen had an island bar in the middle of the room with stalls surrounding the table/bench, the fridge was on its far right against the wall and next to the fridge was the oven and other benches.

I watched as Slade went to the fridge and pulled out what looked like a bowel of leftover food. He took it to the microwave and I stood in silence as he heated it up. Once the microwave went 'ding' Slade looked up at me expectantly.

"Go sit." He said while looking in the direction of the bench with the stalls around it. I quickly scurried over there and sat down.

He brought the bowel of food over to me and placed a fork by it on the table.

"Thank you Master." I said in a whisper without looking at him. I heard him walked around to the other side of the table and then heard the stool scrape on the floor as he sat down.

I looked at the food; it was spaghetti with mince and a sauce that didn't smell very appetizing. It had a metallic smell to blood.

"Um, does this have b-blood in it?" I asked Slade worriedly with an embarrassing stutter.

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