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I am pleased that she has decided to at least travel to see Erebor. I follow, watching her ride her pony. Her carriage and bearing are already that of a queen, as if she had been raised in the great Dwarven halls and not in a humble cottage.

I feel she is very near to agreeing to take my place, after three nights of sitting up late and talking with Balin. Especially after he assured her that her foster parents were more than welcome to accompany her and that he had no intention of ever separating them.

Brina and Solian were the best decision I have ever made. They love Thora as if she was their own and have raised her to be able to face whatever situation life puts her in. They have educated her well, but also saw to it that she knows a trade. And Balin is wasting no time teaching her courtly manners. She will be ready to face my cousin, Dain by the time we get there.


“May I present to the Court of Erebor, Princess Thora, daughter of our late king, Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain.” Balin bowed and Thora stepped forward with her head held high.

The white fur that lined her light blue cloak framed her dark features beautifully. She pushed back the hood, then unclasped the brooch so that her foster mother could take it for her, revealing how her long, black curls had been combed but left loose except for two tiny braids on each side of her face that had been pulled back and bound with gold wire to keep it out of her eyes. Her father's ring hung visible against the bodice of her dark green velvet gown. She curtsied deeply to her cousin. "At your service, Milord."

“So you’ve decided to come and see your father’s birthplace, lassie?”

Inside she seethed at his rudeness, but outwardly she kept her sweet smile in place. “Oh, aye. The legacy of my people, as well as my inheritance and lineage interest me deeply.”

Dain frowned. "Considering your father's rank, I expected you to be fairly dripping with finery. We Dwarves treasure our women almost as much as we treasure our gold, so we tend to put them in the same place, for safekeeping you know."

"I do know, but I was not aware that "finery" made the princess. I thought only blood did that, and since my father's gold was here, stolen by a dragon and I was hidden away elsewhere for safekeeping, you'll have to forgive me my lack of jewels."

Dain burst into laughter. "Well put, lass. You and your company must be tired, so please, feel free to rest and freshen up. Tonight we shall feast."

She curtsied again, though not so deeply as last time. "Thank you, Milord."

“I would be honored to show ye the way, Princess.” Balin offered as he bowed, and emphasized her rank.

“Thank you Master Balin, but If you would first, I would like to see where my father has been laid to rest.”

“Of course, Princess. If you would, please follow me.”

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