Extra Chapter 4 - Help Me

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Wizzy: Like the first, this one's a bit on the mature side.

I'm not completely sure how Bokuto managed to talk me into this. We've been dating a few months now, but that didn't mean that I was ready to spend the night at his house, in his bed with him. Though with a nasty snowstorm going on outside, I wasn't left with much of a choice.

Even though I'd slept with him before, that didn't mean I wasn't uneasy about it. Well, I'd been an owl then, so there had been no chance of him doing anything besides cuddling with me. Though there were many times I'd heard him doing things to himself late at night when I was right by his side. Not to mention the one time I'd seen him completely naked. That was so awkward... But once again, I'd been an owl every one of those times.

Luckily I managed to calm down quickly and fall asleep almost right away. Unfortunately, my sleep was interrupted about an hour later.

Bokuto poked at my side. "Are you still awake?" he said surprisingly very quietly. I didn't think he was physically capable of being so quiet.

"I am now..." I mumbled sleepily. Since I was laying with my back to him, I turned just enough to look at him over my shoulder. He didn't look that tired. I failed to see what could be keeping him up. "What's wrong?"

Bokuto looked away from me for a moment. "I... kind of have a problem..." he said, scooting a little closer to me.

"Can't it wait until morning?" I yawned, still half asleep. It didn't even occur to me to try and think of what that problem could be.

"No!" he said, his voice a little louder than before. His arm slipped around my waist, pulling me backward until his chest was pressed against my back. Bokuto's lips brushed against my neck and he pushed his lower half tighter against my backside. "I need your help now," he whined, nipping at my ear.

My eyes shot open. I was definitely awake now and I immediately realized what he meant. "K-Koutaro!" I stuttered, my face turning bright red. "Why can't you take care of that yourself?"

"Don't wanna..." he whined, placing kisses all over my neck. "Besides, it's way hotter if you do it."

"No." His grip on my waist tightened and I squirmed to get out of his grip. Don't get me wrong, I love him and all, but I wasn't quite ready to take that next step in the relationship. Obviously, Bokuto was more than ready for it. He was literally begging for it.




"No," I repeated, making sure to stay as quiet as I could. Waking up his family would be the worst thing that we could do right now. "Are you insane? We can't do that. Your little sister is literally on the other side of that wall!"

Bokuto loosed his grip just long enough to turn me around so that I was facing him. He was pouting, but he still had a hint of a smile in his eyes. "Please? I really want you to," he begged one more time, but I refused. As much as I wanted to make him happy, I couldn't do this for him. "Then will you at least touch me? Just once?"

My face flushed a darker shade of red. As I opened my mouth to refuse him again, there was a loud thump on the wall that his room shared with his sister's. "Koutaro! Stop being a pervert and go to sleep!"

Bokuto instantly gave up on it. He just held me tightly instead. "I really love you, Kisa," he whispered, nuzzling into my neck. "If you won't do that, then can we just cuddle like this for the rest of the night?"

"Of course." I smiled, cuddling in closer and moving into a more comfortable position. As I did though, I noticed a soft groan escaped from my boyfriend. "Bokuto?"

A quiet laugh came from him. "Sorry, you brushed against it just now and just felt really good," he grinned, making my face flush red again. "You sure you won't do it?" But as I started to respond, I was cut off by another thump from the other side of the wall.

"Koutaro, shut up already!"

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