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On our way home, Bokuto was unusually quiet. I knew that what Akaashi had said was still running through his mind. As much as I would have loved to tell him that the setter's words didn't matter, I couldn't... because I agreed with Akaashi.

What he'd said was perfectly true if you thought about it logically. Of course, it made me start to wonder how things would be if I were ever to become human again. Would anything change between Bokuto and me? Would I even be able to talk to him? Or what if he'd moved on by then? No matter what, it was a depressing subject.

Bokuto walked along until something landed on his other shoulder. The ace stopped and stared at the feathery creature that was now there. Another owl. It was noticeably bigger than me and its feathers were a tan color, different than my snowy gray ones.

Fukurodani's ace reached up to pet the new one, but it wasn't interested in Bokuto. The other owl looked around his head and stared at me. Uncomfortable with the way it was looking at me, I moved over so that the other couldn't see me from where it was now. That didn't stop it though.

The owl climbed around Bokuto's neck to his other shoulder. Now the two of us were on the same shoulder, which was a bit of a tight fit. I tried to move farther over, but I started to fall off the side. Had the other one not grabbed my foot with its own and pulled me back up, I'd have fallen down to the sidewalk.

After I was safely back up, the other owl put its wing over me. It was almost like how a guy would put his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders... Oh no... Am I seriously being hit on by an owl? I get that I'm an owl too, but this is still wrong... really really wrong. Why isn't Bokuto doing something about this? Didn't he just-

Click. He just took a picture of it, didn't he?

Bokuto had his phone in his hands with the camera facing me. "You made a friend," he said cheerfully, the conversation with Akaashi seemingly forgotten. He snapped a few more pictures while laughing before petting the tan owl on the head.

"Genma!" a boy's voice called out, making all three of us turn our heads towards the sound. A guy about our age came running up. He stopped in front of us and looked over at the tan owl. "Sorry about him. He normally doesn't leave my side unless we're at home or at my grandparents' farm."

Bokuto just grinned. "He seems to really like Kisa." Yeah well, Kisa didn't really like him. In fact, Kisa was already in love with another owl; an owl by the name of Koutaro Bokuto.

"So you have an owl too?" the strange boy asked, staring at me carefully. "She's very beautiful. Genma really likes her." The boy reached up and patted my head and then Genma's. "I'm Haruo, by the way."

"Bokuto." The ace held out his hand to Haruo, who shook it. "Where did you get him?" Bokuto point at Genma, who was still insisting on cuddling with me, much to my distress.

Haruo smiled. "I rescued him from a cat when he was just a little guy. That was a couple years ago. This is the first time I've ever seen him act friendly to any other birds though. Anyone other than me, actually."

"Seems pretty friendly to me." Genma cuddled a little closer to me and I briefly thought about pushing him off of Bokuto's shoulder. Though he was bigger and probably a lot stronger, not to mention Bokuto could get hurt if I tried it.

"You wouldn't happen to be interested in breeding her, would you?"

I nearly fell off of Bokuto's shoulder at the mere mention of the idea. Had Genma not caught me again, I probably would have. No. No way. Not going to happen. "Make little baby owls? That would be awesome!" Damn it Bokuto! No! Where's Akaashi when I need him?

Haruo's face lit up. "Yes!" he cheered along with Bokuto.

Then as a thought crossed his mind, he looked over to me. "You should probably ask Kisa if that's okay though..." Oh so now he pays attention to me... Where were you when I was trying to escape Genma?

"Would she actually understand what I was saying?" And this guy thinks I'm stupid... can this possibly get worse?

Bokuto grinned. "Of course! She understands everything! She even corrected my homework a few times." The way he said that just made him look like he was really stupid. Well, he might be a bit of an idiot, but he wasn't that stupid; I was just really smart. "Go ahead and ask her!"

Haruo looked from me to Bokuto and then back to me. I could almost hear him arguing in his head about whether I was smart or if Bokuto was just that stupid. Whatever he decided, he asked anyway. "Kisa, would you like to... what should I call it... mate with Genma?"

Almost immediately, I shook my head no. No way was I going to do such a thing. I was not going to let my first time be with an owl, even if I was an owl. Maybe it would be different if I knew I was stuck this way forever, but I was hoping to be human again someday.

Wait a second... human again? Yeah, I do miss being human. I want to be human again. But I don't want to give up what I have with Bokuto. Why does this all have to be so complicated?

Wizzy: Is it wrong that I kinda want Kisa and Genma to get together? They're a kinda cute pair. He's all just "let me love you" and she's just "Bokuto, stop laughing and save me!"

Teach Me How To Fly (A Koutaro Bokuto Story)Where stories live. Discover now