Extra Chapter 1 - Whispers in the Dark

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Wizzy:  Okay so this one takes place early on when Kisa has first become an owl. Not the first day, but sometime shortly after but before Bokuto finds out that she is missing. Anyways, this is slightly on the mature side. (Personally, I find this one quite funny.)  

All night, Bokuto had been tossing and turning. It was quite late now, so I wondered if he was alright. Soon, he stopped and simply laid still on his back. Had he not reached over and grabbed something from his bedside table, I would have thought that he'd finally fallen asleep.

I didn't see what he'd grabbed, but I figured that it wasn't anything important. Not thinking anything of it, I laid back down on his pillow and tried once more to sleep. And that seemed to be going as planned... until a sound caught my ear.

Slowly, Bokuto's breathing began to change. It grew shallow and turned into light panting. Maybe he was having a nightmare?

Then I heard a soft groan. Must be a nightmare. Maybe I should wake him?

As I slowly opened my eyes, I heard whispers. They weren't very clear, so I turned around so that I was looking at him. One perk of being an owl: good vision at night.

But as I heard one of those whispers that was my name, I froze. It's just a nightmare... right? Looking him over, I was quickly informed that the cause of Bokuto's strange behavior was most definitely not a nightmare. Though after realizing what he was doing, I wished that it really had been the nightmare.

Seeing the tent in the blanket made by his knee being up and that both his arms were hidden under the covers, it really wasn't that hard to figure out. If you throw in the panting and the repeated moaning of my first name, yeah that leaves no doubts whatsoever.

He was surprisingly quiet, but to me, he might as well have been screaming it. This was so awkward... Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the only night that I heard him doing something so dirty...

Bokuto, I love you, but it's so gross to know that you're thinking of me when you're doing that...

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