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Kairi's P.O.V.

I wander silently through the garbage covered alleyway. The faint scent of a mouse rising above the rotten stench of the surrounding. I keep my ears low and my steps light. The plump critter is within my sight. I dont waste time and lunge at it and finish it off. Surely 2 or 3 more and I could head back to the forest, It shouldnt take long for me to hunt a couple more.

I've actually made many hunting trips today because recently a group from the wolf pack ganged up on two of our hunters and put them in the med den for a bit. Get this, on our territory! I offered to take up their part but I'll be honest, its a lot. I sighed and pick up the two mice I had just caught.

Heading back to where I made my kill, to pick it up, I freeze dropping my mice, was this real? The breeze blew a scent that naturally disgusted me, a scent that makes my fur prickle and stand on end. Wolf. Maybe it isn't so much disgust, but fear? No! A warrior could not be afraid of its enemies. They are trespassing on my clans land and I have to stop it!

My paws sting with nervousness as I crouch low and wade through the trash silently torward the beast. It is only one, I can handle that... I think. Moving to where its in sight, I'm hidden behind dumped over boxes. I figured it best to first look at what I'm going up against.

I peer over the boxes , its sniffing around for my mouse! I let out a loud hiss and warning growl before I show myself. Its head shoots up listening as it spins torwards me. I come out of my hiding spot and face the intruder. Sizing it up I'd say it's a young male warrior, new, not quite familiar with the boundaries, and a lowsy hunter... That's why it couldn't find my buried mouse. It growled a vicious growl but spoke no words.

"Your trespassing pup", I hissed again warningly.

"What are you going to do about it, furball." He taunted.

I quickly lunged pasts his front legs and for his back ankle. Sinking my long fangs into it as if he were prey. He yelped and ripped his ankle out of my jaws. Countering my attack with a strong lopsided blow that was easy to dodge. I jumped for his ear clipping it with my teeth leaving a long shred mark that trickled blood. Afterwards I turned and raked my claws across his face down to his nose. He yelped again, what a pitiful thing. I stood my ground, tail bristiling, watching his every move.

"Keep off our territory fox", he spat out the word, "You may have won now but. You haven't seen the last of me." He grunted and jumped off racing away into the greyness.

Quickly I sprinted to grab all the mice and high tailed it back to the clan. In the entrance I slung to a stop. My fur was wind blown and fluffed and my eyes were wide, I dropped the mice and huffed for air. Clanmates slowly started to come my way. "The wolves!" I managed to yip out. "I caught a warrior hunting far from the borders on our territory! He tried to claim that foxxes had been going onto their territory." Others came and took my kill to the pile and a med fox came out with a apprentice at one of its side racing along with him. He came and trotted around me stopping at my back side. He gently cleaned a wound on my flank. How did I not notice that? Maybe it wat someting while I was running.

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