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So I'll catch you up on everything.

The humans destroyed the planet and fled now all that is left is gray sickly cities that cover every piece of land. Well, almost all the land. There are two green lands left. One is the woods, where the wolf pack lives and the other, the forest, where my clan stays. Separating the two is a large city. Our territory splits in the middle.

Since before I was born and as long as anyone can remember, the fox clan and wolf pack has been enemies. It is the year 2038.  Just like wolves we also find our mates, our other half. And oh, we can shift into our human forms. We don't commonly because the air and food supply, it is just easier. Anyways.

My name is Kairi Belle. I am the soon to be Leader of the fox clan. My father is in command right now along with my mother. As for right now, my job is to take care of border control, hunting, and any other clan needs. They keep me pretty busy. I'm 19 and In case you haven't picked up, I haven't found my mate yet. Yup. I'm still looking for my other piece. When I find him I will be named leader of the clan.

Anyways, Welcome to my life!

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