Abby-Chan is Alive YAY!!! Pt. 37

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February 23, 2016

Hey there Song bird,

It's KK and Abby-Chan is alive YAY!!!! And Jacob-Senpai wasn't at school today or yesterday and he left me alone with annoying little craps that aren't my friends. And I'm SO bored but I'm glad Abby is alive!!! And poor Ronnie-Kun, he thinks Abby-Chan hates him! I'll ask Abby-Chan if she hates Ronnie-Kun in the morning! And sorry I didn't have much to say in here today it's just nothing REALLY interesting happened today you know? But I'm glad Abby-Chan is alive though and didn't commit suicide!!! And I had told the guidance counselor that Abby-Chan had and has suicidal thoughts sometimes!!! And I also REALLY REALLY REALLY miss Jacob-Senpai! I mean yea I REALLY REALLY REALLY like Jacob-Senpai but he doesn't want a girlfriend yet. So I'm stuck in the friend zone YAY! So I just REALLY REALLY REALLY miss Jacob-Senpai YAY!!!!

See ya tomorrow Songbird,
-KK 🎶🏹🎶

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