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February 21, 2016

Hey there Song bird,

Abby-chan one of my best friends wanted to commit suicide but I told her she was gonna be missed by Carly her girlfriend and me her best friend that loves her like a sister. And Abby said,"Thank you for showing me how to love and care about the greatest thing in my life. You are making me cry." And I said," Your welcome. Please Abby don't ever say you want to commit suicide again, it's stupid you have so much to live for even if things are bad now it'll get better I promise just give it time. Shoot Im crying because I thought I was gonna lose my best friend." And Abby said," I am so sorry if I took your time." And I said," Don't be sorry In glad I was able to convinced out not to commit suicide and your NEVER taking my time I enjoy talking to my friends like you." And Abby said," Okay I gave to go bye." And I said," Ok Talk to you later." And that was the end of the conversation. I was crying so badly cause she wanted to commit suicide when her life WILL indeed get better.

See ya tomorrow Songbird,
-KK 🎶🏹🎶

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