Start of yet another boring school week! Pt. 8

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January 25, 2016

Hey there Song bird,

It's me KK and today is Monday and I didn't see Jacob-senpai at all today AGAIN! Maybe he got transferred to the same school as that butt head KORI and she told him to block me or he is sick or got his phone token away or got his phone token away and is sick. I think Trey ate my precious Jacob-senpai don't judge me sometimes I can be a Yandere and a Yandere is someone who is obsessed with his or her senpai but I'm not that obsessed with Jacob-Senpai. I just REALLY HONEST TO GOODNESS MISS JACOB-SENPAI!!!! I hope he is at school tomorrow. And today at dinner my parents wanted me to move my bangs to the side out of my right eye to see both my eyes but I didn't want to because I'm emo which means I wear ALL black, skinny jeans, T-shirt/sweater, jacket, converses/boots, a little make up even though I wear my bangs in my face, some braclets, some necklaces, I would wear band merch but I need some more, I listen to a lot of music, my hair is colored, I hang out in the dark, I wear black glasses, and depressed half of the time. I like my hair in my face its part of my personality. But some people seem to have a problem with it cause they think I'm 'different' but am I? Goodness I miss Jacob-senpai so much! I hope he is at school tomorrow.

See ya tomorrow Songbird,
-KK 🎶🏹🎶

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