Jacob-Senpai knows!?!?!?!? D: Pt. 17

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February 3, 2016

Hey there Song bird,

It's KK and I saw Jacob-senpai 3 times today yay! And I talked to him well going to 5th period and he and I toke a longer way this time and he was going to lunch and I was 10 seconds late but oh while! And when I saw Ronnie walk out of the lunch room I told him I didn't care if he told Jacob-Senpai anymore and he said,"Oh he knows he found out by himself." And then I faceplamed and said,"Ok." And in 6th period my friend Trey-Kun said this stupid fat joke about fat girls but he didn't want to at first cause he thought I was gonna punch him but I talked him into telling me and at the need he said,"You get it cause your kind of not on the skinny side?" Then I punched him in the arm saying,"I'm skinny Trey!" And then I walked with Trey-Kun and Jacob-Senpai to 8th period and I punched Jacob-senpai also cause he knew about my crush on him! And today when I was walking to 5th period Jacob-Senpai had said he wasn't emo anymore and then I said,"Black is the color of my soul!" And then he said,"Black is the color of my soul also!" And I gave him a look that said 'Are you kidding me you just said you weren't emo anymore!' And I have a huge crush on Jacob-Senpai!

See ya tomorrow Songbird,
-KK 🎶🏹🎶

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