Acceptance - Waking Up In Another World 2 - LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 1:

I leaned back against my blankets, trying not to move around much, as it caused me quite a lot of pain.

Boromir glanced down at me in concern. “Are you alright?”

I looked up, pain clouding my vision, “Oh, yes Boromir. I am absolutely great!” – I told him sarcastically, as a roll in the waves made my ribs scream.

He rolled his eyes and continued, “Well, you have to be feeling a little better because you are being sarcastic again!”

“Maybe because the pain is driving me to insanity!” – I told him.

“Alright-alright!” – he grumbled, trying to make the boat stop bobbing around as much.

Then he looked thoughtful, “Maybe we should head back to Lothlorien?”

I looked at him with a mixture of shock and horror, “You are kidding, right? You wouldn’t leave me in the clutches of the evil elf queen!”

I thought, ‘I knew I shouldn’t have antagonized her so much!’

Fred piped up, ‘Well it was partly my fault to!’

I just about had a heart attack, ‘Your taking the blame on something?’ – I choked out.

‘Well, it was partly my fault’, Fred told me seriously, ‘About 0.1% my fault.’

‘Your hopeless!’ – I snorted, and turned back to Boromir, but Fred got the last word in.

‘So are you!’

I ignored the voice and instead pulled myself up into a sitting position, painfully.

The boat bobbed along towards the shore, before banging onto the beach.

I swing my legs over the edge, and hauled myself onto the shore, where the others were already waiting. Aragorn held up one hand, and listened.

“What are you doing?” – I asked him, but he just waved his hand for silence.

Angrily I crossed my arms, waiting for him to be done, whatever he was doing.

Aragorn opened his eyes, and pointed towards the east. Or what I presumed was the west.

“The Orc-things went that way with Pippin, and Merry.” – he told us, as he set off on a trot into the forest.

I started to trot behind him, cringing ever time my feet touched the ground. I started to get into a rhythm, up-fine, down-pain, up-fine, down-pain. You get the idea.

Soon the others were having a hard time keeping up with Aragorn and I. The pain gave me an incentive to keep moving, so that I didn’t want to stop. We ran for hours. My muscles started to clench, but I didn’t dare stop, knowing that if I did, I wouldn’t be able to get going again. We raced out of the forest, and soon my feet were pounding on rolling hills, and dry grass, instead of the spongy forest that we had been running on.

I reached into my pack (still running) and broke off a chunk of Lembas bread for each of us, noticing the Hobbits absence. I threw a chunk to everyone, and nibbled on mine. I wasn’t very hungry though.

Aragorn drew to a stop on the top of a hill, and then crouched down to the ground.

The rest of us stopped, panting for breath.

“Three days, and three nights!” – panted Gimli, as he tried to straighten up. “No rest, and only tracing them, from what bare rock can tell!”

I held up a hand, “Actually Gimli it has only been two days and two nights, you miscounted.”

Gimli nodded and turned back to Aragorn, “Where are they?”

Aragorn looked thoughtful for a moment before pointing over the hills.

“That way, but we are hard pressed to catch them at that pace. We must continue, and hope that they stop soon.”

I rolled my eyes, and started to jog again. The sun beat down on my face, and soon I felt a burn starting. I put my shield over my head like a sunhat, though I knew I looked like an idiot.

I was running, and suddenly something stabbed me in the bottom of the foot. Angrily I stopped running, reaching down to break whatever stick dared oppose me. My hands dug around in the mud before clenching around an oddly shaped rock. Well, what I thought was a rock anyway. I pulled it out of the ground, and wiped it on my tunic. It gleamed, and I held it up to the light to see what it was. It was a leaf, well not a real leaf, but a pin. Pippin’s pin to be exact. The others stopped and turned back to where I was standing.

“What is that?” – Aragorn asked inquisitively.

“Wouldn’t you like to know!” – I muttered. Yes, I know I shouldn’t be that rude to Aragorn, but it is habit.

Boromir reached over, and took it from my hand.

“It is from the little-one’s tunics! There is hope yet!” – he said smiling as he handed the pin to Aragorn.

Aragorn pocked the pin, and then bent down to look at the tracks.

“Less then a day old! We gain on them!” – he said jumping to his feet.

I rolled my eyes, and started to run again.

‘Hey Fred!’ – I called in my head.

‘Ya, what? I was re-runs of James Bond – you just interrupted me.’

‘You were what?’ – I asked surprised.

Fred sounded exasperated, but explained, ‘If you have seen a movie, then I can watch it to. It gives me something to do.’

I was curious, ‘Well what one were you watching?’

Fred answered, ‘Goldeneye! I love it!’

‘I know! Isn’t it great?’ – I told Fred excitedly.

Then I remembered what I was asking Fred for.

‘Oh, Fred?’ – I asked sweetly.

‘Yes’ – Fred answered sounding annoyed.

‘Is there anyway at all that you could use your ‘special abilities’ to see where the Orc things are?’

Fred sounded annoyed, ‘Yes there is. And they are called Urk-Hei, for you information’

I was aghast and not at the Orc information, ‘You could have found them already?’

Fred rolled it’s eyes, ‘You greatly underestimate my abilities! Of course I can, and I already have!’

I ground my foot into the mud, killing whatever grass seeds had been trying to grow there.

‘You what?’ – I hissed.

‘I already know where they are.’ – Fred told me smugly. ‘Go to the west for about two miles, cross a river, go through a valley, and then you meet the Urk-Hei, they are going to be camping for the night soon. But you might want to be quick. They are getting hungry.’

I spun on my heel, and yelled to Aragorn.

“We go west, two miles, cross a river, and the Urk’s are in the valley.”

Aragorn looked confused, “How do you know?”

I just shrugged my shoulders, and said, “Trust me.”

Haldir stopped and listened, “There is no vibrations know. They must have stopped.”

We started out again at a run, covering 1 mile in about half an hour.

Legolas whipped out his bow and pointed it into the night behind us.

“Something approaches” – he said, as he swung his bow back and forth. Zena and Haldir whipped out theirs, and the rest of us drew our swords.

Soon we heard it, the sound of horse hooves, riding towards us, around us, all around us!

I spun around, but it was to late. We were boxed in.

Acceptance - Waking Up In Another World 2 - LOTR FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now