Cass's shoutouts and promotions

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Since I have been on wattpad for over a month now, I've literally read over 150 books both completed and ongoing. Most were pretty amazingly written and some were... Well like mine below sub par XD

Soo, I decided to create this a book full of shoutouts to amazing authors and their incredible stories!!! Some will be my followers and others will be complete strangers, but all are amazing and hopefully throughthis they will gain more fans and votes!!! And no I'm not asking for anything in return I'm just doing this for charity basically out the kindness of my heart ^^

SO READ AND ENJOY AND DISCOVER NEW STORIES AND FELLOW WATTPADERS, WHO KNOWS YOU MAY JUST MAKE A NEW FRIEND ^^ oh and if you want to be included also just pm me, follow me etc. So Ivan go to your page and read your works ^^

Cass's shoutouts and promotionsWhere stories live. Discover now