Winter is here

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It was wonderful seeing Elizabeth again, also very random how we crossed paths in the toy store like that. But I was very happy to see her, it was so very tragic when we heard of Tristan's death-those two were so much in love and had such a bright future together. I had heard rumours of Elizabeth going into a coma like state for days after she got the news and even after that she became a recluse. At the time it was hard to comprehend but after dealing with the loss of Michelle and the threat of losing the girls-it's a perfectly plausible reaction to have.

Sitting on the park bench I looked at the other children playing, normally this was the time of day I would take the girls to the park to play-even though they were not with me I couldn't break out of the routine. Some of the regular parents and joggers nodded as they went by, some even asked for the girls-wanting to avoid the awkward topic I just said they were staying over my parents, which wasn't out of the ordinary.

"It's supposed to snow tonight." Someone spoke from beside me, well not just someone, Benjamin Dorrell, quite frankly the last person I want disturbing my peace and he's making small talk. Looking away without answering him I hoped he would get the message to leave me alone-I was wrong. He sat down next to be and continued, "I never like the cold but I heard that Christmas in New Yo..."

"What do you want Mr Dorrell?" I snapped, cutting him off. I didn't want him sitting there describing the magic of Christmas in New York. I bloody well knew it, I lived here all my life and I wanted to share that experience with the Amy and Emily and this wretch of a man is taking it all away. "Actually I don't care what you want." I stood and began to walk away. The temperature had definitely dropped since I sat down earlier but I was so angry that my blood ran hot enough to keep me warm.

"Wait, please. I came to find because I wanted to apologise." I had already walked a few paces away so he needed to shout a bit, which got the attention of some around us. Staring at him I tried to figure out his game, he wanted to apologise-while stood there he jogged up to me. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee?" This had to be a joke.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I voice my thoughts, "Because I am not in the mood to deal with any bullshit from you."

"I promise not bullshit, just coffee and maybe a confession. Please Claire.." The look on his face was almost pitiful, he was begging.

"Fine." Was all I said and began to lead the way to the closet café.

We sat there, no one speaking-the walk here was pretty much the same, silence. The waitress brought our coffees to the table and made a fairly quick exit, she could sense the thick, awkward tension and didn't want to stick around making small-talk.

I took one sip of my coffee before I spoke, "You have my attention Mr Dorrell."

"Ben, please. At least I hope after our talk you will feel amicable enough towards me to call me so."

"I highly doubt that but I am here and listening, which is enough." I spat out. I was particularly catty today but after the meeting this morning I was livid and my source of distress was sitting right across from me .

"Okay. I deserve that but I asked you here to apologise for all that. I know you think that I'm a bad person but I promise you, that's not who I am-anymore."

"You really expect me to believe you. The horrible things you've said again, turning the media against me, making look like some kind of melodramatic high-society bitch!" My outburst caught some attention, I was going to ignore the looks but I observed an elderly couple sitting the closest to us to I apologise to them.

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