chapter 3

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c h a p t e r 3 - "Hi. I'm Jc Caylen."

My eyes opened slowly, as my mind began to wake up. You see most people that are in my position right now would have a mini mind-fuck, not knowing where they were for a minute. But, even though I was half asleep, finding myself in Kian's house wasn't something that startled me. I mean his house was like my second home. My "home away from home" as some may call it.

I glanced to both my left and right, finding Kian and Sam still sleeping. Well, I couldn't blame them. It was only 9:00. I got up from the pillow filled couch silently, trying not to wake the boys. I looked back at Kian and Sam sleeping. They looked so cute and innocent. I smiled lightly to myself, recalling so many memories with them. I turned on my feet, and strided toward the front door. A fresh gust of air hit my cheeks as I stepped onto the porch. I made my way off of Kian's property, and down the street towards my house.

It was really great, spending time with Kian and Sam. Even though it was a lazy day, I cherish every moment with them. I still somehow, cannot get over the fact I haven't seen them in six years. It unbelievable. I guess we lost connection some way or another while I was away at school. But how do you lose connection with your best friend?! Well, instead of wasting my time thinking of that answer, I decided to just live up my summer to the fullest. You know, go with the flow. See what the new day brings you. Make some spontaneous plans. All that jazz. That's what summer is really about.

I neared my own house, walking through the lawn, and up the porch steps. I twisted the door knob slowly, silently praying it would be unlocked. Thankfully, it was. I found Mom in the kitchen with her usual morning coffee, and newspaper.

"Hi Mom," I spoke, catching her attention. She looked up from the paper, and smiled.

"Hey Kendall. How was Kian's?" She asked, sipping her hot coffee.

I nodded, as my mouth tugged upward into a soft smile. "It was good. Sam was there too. I haven't seen him in forever either," I replied. Mom simply smiled her usual gentle facade, in reply. With that, I headed upstairs to my bedroom. I pushed open the door, and plopped on top of my fluffy comforter.

I lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I pulled out my phone to check for any texts and what not. There were none. I, then, found myself clicking on the Twitter app on my phone. Which is unusual for me, I never go on Twitter. The app loaded, and I started scrolling through my timeline. While I was scrolling, my eyes caught a tweet from Kian.

|@KianLawley: my favess ♡♡

There was a picture link attached to the tweet. I curiously pressed the blue text. The picture loaded, and I found myself looking at a photo of me and Sam sleeping together on the couch. I chuckled slightly once I saw it. It was a cute picture, I had to admit. I quickly saved the adorable photo, and began typing a reply to Kian's tweet.

|@Kendalll_Jamesss: @KianLawley well don't i look super ratchet ;)

I smiled to myself as I tweeted it. I scrolled through the rest of my timeline, finding sappy tweets, and stupid accounts that I followed. Within minutes, I saw my 'Connect' tab light up, figuring Kian had replied to my tweet. But it wasn't Kian who had replied. It was Sam.

|@SamPottorff: @Kendalll_Jamesss haha no your beautiful, im the ratchet one :P

I grinned, typing yet another reply.

|@Kendalll_Jamesss: @SamPottorff in your dreams

At that point, things got a little out of control. People were replying to the tweets, all worried about who I was. Some were asking Sam if I was his girlfriend. Uhm, what? Who are these girls anyway, and why are they tweeting Sam? Ugh, I'm so confused.

he could be the one || jc caylen/sam pottorffWhere stories live. Discover now