chapter 2

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c h a p t e r 2 - back with the boys

My eyes fluttered open in the morning. The bright sunshine crept through my shades and filled my room. I fully opened my eyes, now awake and aware of where I was. I felt a ping of happiness inside me and my lips stretched into a smile, knowing I was in my own bedroom. Ah, it sure felt good to be back home in my own bed. It just felt...right.

I snatched my phone from my bed side table. I pressed the home button of my iPhone to check the time. 8:28. I groaned. Stupid jet lag. To my body, I am still in New York City. It's would normally be 11:28, which is about when I usually get up.

I plopped my phone back down on the table. "UGH!" I groaned loudly, once again. I buried my face in my pillows. I've always hated mornings, even in the summer. It's just too early to function. But today was different, I was finally home, and ready to enjoy my summer. I rubbed my eyes, not wanting to get up. But, I couldn't fall back to sleep.

I ripped the blanket off my body, and sat up. I set my feet down on the hardwood floors. I managed to pull myself up, and make my way to the bathroom.

I stepped inside my bathroom, feeling the cold tile floor. Everything is just as I remembered it being. I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself. I stretched my arms out to the side, as I yawned. I then went over to the shower and turned the nob to the left. Hot water began to pour from the showered head. I stripped down from my pajamas, and stepped into the steaming shower.

I did my usual thing, and washed my hair, too. I turned the nob off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my hot, dripping body.

I made my way back to my bedroom. I stared into my unpacked suitcase, inconclusive on what to wear. After multiple silent debates within my mind, I finally decided on what to wear. I got changed into a white v-neck shirt and a pair of dark washed jean shorts. It was early in the morning, so I was lazy, as most people would be. So I tied up my damp hair into a messy bun. I decided not to wear my contacts, so I put my black glasses on. And, I skipped makeup, not really caring how I looked.

I fell back down on my bed, with my feet dangling to the floor. I unlocked my phone, checking again for any texts and what not. There were none. I sighed loudly to myself. What to do, what to do. What can an 18 year old girl do at 9:00 in the morning? Oh yeah! I'll go to Starbucks. I am a common white girl, after all. I chuckled to myself, and pounded down the stairs.

I noticed my mom in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. Ha, she looks just how she did six years ago, when I opened my entrance letter. "Hey, mom," I spoke, interrupting her morning cup of Joe, and the riveting article she was reading in the paper, "Your up early."

She looked up from her newspaper, and took a quick sip of her black coffee. "Honey, it's nine o'clock. It's not that early," She stated as-a-matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes, as any annoyed teenager would do. "So where are you headed off to?" Mom asked me, as she put down the paper and her mug.

"I'm going to Starbucks. Can I borrow you car?"I questioned.

"Sure, Kendall. Keys are over there," Mom advised, pointing near her purse.

"Okay. Be back soon," I chirped. I grabbed Mom's keys, located by her purse. I slipped my phone inside my shorts' pocket, and headed towards the door that lead into the garage.

"Alright. See you!" Mom answered. I slipped my navy blue flip flops on and shut the door behind me. I hopped into my mom's BMW convertible, backed out of the driveway, and drove off. It felt good to be back on the streets of San Clemente.

I arrived at Starbucks in no time. I pulled into a parking spot, and stepped out of the car. I briskly walked to the entrance, and pulled the door open, letting a huge blast of cool air hit my face. It felt good, compared to the heat in California. I strolled inside, and took my place in a semi-long line.

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