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Dean came back to the motel with only one thing in his mind; getting as far away from you as possible. And pouring himself a glass of whiskey. 

Sam said nothing; he knew there was no use in lecturing his brother on his health and self-destructing habits. Not today, not when he had a reason to.

"Cut it out, Sam," Dean growled at his brother's hundredth attempt to convince him to go running to you again. "I can't drag her down to this life, she deserves better, and I can't give her that."

"But Dean, it doesn't have to be this way. You want her to be safe, and we own literally the safest place on freaking Earth", he chuckled, "she's great doing research, she can stay at the bunker and help us from there, monster-free, danger-free and away from everything. It could work out".

"I won't ask her to do that; I can't ruin her life like that," he looked down, "so, I guess we are ready to hit the road then" Dean changed the subject, clearly done with talking about it.

"About that. I met a girl last night, and I kinda have a date. I figured that since you were spending some time with (Y/N), this wouldn't be a problem, but I can totally cancel if you want to get the hell out of here, I mean, I get it...".



"Have fun."

Dean was left alone with his thoughts, and that was never a good idea. The dimmed lights of the motel room framed his face as he had his eyes stuck to the computer, and he found himself typing your name, just for the sake of doing it. School projects, essays, articles; several random links popped up, and although he wasn't really sure what he was looking for, he figured it out the second he saw it. An article in the local newspaper announcing your engagement. That's what he was looking for.

And at first, he had to blink twice just to see if it was really you because, honestly, you just weren't. You looked too unhappy for his liking, and for a second, he clenched his fists only at the thought of you being mistreated by that douchebag.

He made a few calls and grabbed his keys, heading to a bar nearby because he needed a drink. But most importantly, he needed answers. 

He needed to know he was doing the right thing, if he was right in letting you go, once and for all. A part of him needed to make sure if it was possible for you to be happy, even if it was without him in your life.

"Dean?" the man approach to him at the bar.

"Yeah, hey. Jake, right?" he cleared his throat and shook the man's hand, he did his best to display a welcoming smile, but the sorrow in his eyes gave him away. He was too broken for small talk and social obligations. "Sorry I made you drive in the middle of the night."

"It's nothing; you said you wanted to talk about (Y/N). I can always make time for her".

Dean shook the jealousy off his body and drank his glass of whiskey, all in one sip. That was your ex-fianceé. A straightforward, good looking guy that just fell in love with the wrong person. You used to hate yourself so much for not being able to love him back, at least not the way he deserved it. He was a fantastic person, but your heart belonged to someone else. It always had, and you knew, at this point, you knew it always will.

"So, what's up? Is she okay?", he took a seat next to him.

"Yeah she's fine. I called you because..." Dean paused, "well, to be honest, I didn't exactly think this through," he scratched the back of his neck in slight nervousness.

"Are you having problems? You are with her, right?", he let out as if it was an understatement that you were.

"Not quite," Dean escaped an awkward smile, "I kinda, just, pushed her away."

"Why?" Jake frowned confused. "Why would anyone do that to her?".

Dean chuckled because this guy wasn't that bad after all; and he sure as hell had a valid point there. Why would anyone leave you?

"I just... I want her to be happy, and I can't give her that. I have nothing to offer".

"If you can't make her happy, I'm not sure anyone else can" he chuckled, "God knows I tried, and I think I did for a while. I used to hate you so bad, you know?", he confessed, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of his words. "She lit up for you in a way she never did for me. Her eyes, the way she talked about you. Once she showed me the picture I just figured it all out on my own. You are meant to be."

Dean went silent for a while, mostly because he knew all those things, he knew you were the one for him. Sam was right; this case wasn't a coincidence, like it wasn't a coincidence that you ran into him that day in school. This was, call it fate, destiny, whatever you want, this was love.

"Look," Jake caught Dean's attention as he lost himself in his thoughts for a moment, "the fact that you called me for advice tells me that you don't really want to do this. I don't know you; I don't know your reasons for leaving her so I can't tell you what you should you. All I'm saying is that whatever it is that's pulling you back from her, it's not going to go away just because you push her out of your life. All you're doing with yourself is making the both of you miserable. There won't be another guy, Dean; there won't. And if you love her just as much as she loves you, there won't be another girl either".

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