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Senior Prom. Here's the thing, just because you hated school doesn't mean you hated every single part of it, and to be honest, going to prom didn't exactly feel like the worst idea ever. 

Every girl's dream was to walk with Dean by their side, you got that from last week's bathroom talk you overheard as you walked in. "Oh my God, is Dean getting hotter every day that goes by?" one girl let out, in her typical mean girl voice, instantly sending a wave of jealousy down your spine. "Sorry, bitch, he's mine" one replied, completely full of herself, "he was buying our tickets today".

And your heart sank. You felt rejected. Were you even allowed to feel that? It wasn't like you were his girlfriend, you were his friend. His dear, dorky, nerdy friend that played video games with him and helped his little brother with homework. You weren't his type, and a part of you hated yourself for tricking you into believing that you were.

The next two weeks you avoided him completely, he was with that girl all the time anyway, so it made it easier for you to take a step back. It hurt, it freaking hurt because whenever you caught a glimpse of them laughing, or him whispering something to her ear, you felt nauseated with jealousy. She was stupid and loud, and not good enough for him. She was just pretty, that's it. But, she was also not to blame. It wasn't her fault that he would choose her over you.

Friday came around fast, fortunately, and you were thankful because that meant no more hiding from Dean, at least until Monday. It was late, you were getting ready to watch a movie when you heard a loud knock on the door and you noticed it was him. So much for hiding.

"Hey, stranger" his voice filled with contentment as he saw you, it had been a while.

"I'm busy, Dean" you shut him out, wanting to close the door in his face because seeing him this near hurt, like hell. 

"Oh, got someone here with you?" he inquired, wanting to look inside, his eyebrow raised.

"No," your voice came out in a whisper, "I just want to be alone".

He took a step back as if he could sense you had been crying, and it had been because of him. "Are-are you sure?" he asked, now his voice was softer, looking down, looking awfully gorgeous under the dimmed, yellow porch light. He turned around and when you were preparing yourself to watch him leave, he turned to you again. "I've missed you these days, you know, we haven't hung out for a while."

"I've been studying". And an awkward silence took over the conversation because he was in your class and he knew exactly the amount of homework you had this week, which was none. "How's your girlfriend?". 

He chuckled, as if you had just told the funniest joke to date, "she's not my girlfriend".

"Well, it sure looks like it", you hissed. And wow, just wow. It wasn't until it came out of your mouth that you realized how bad that sounded.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, noticing how defensive you were, and how you were planning to close the door in his face in any second.

"Forget it, Dean. I'm just tired" you tried to shake it off but he wasn't having it. He took a step back, and his perfume almost filled completely the room, despite you were outside. You missed it. You missed him.

"What's wrong?".

"Just don't". Those were the only words you managed to let out without bursting into tears again. Please don't cry in front of him, you told yourself, please, please.

"Come on, (Y/N). Would you please just tell me what the hell did I do?" he yelled mad demanding some answers, "I can see you are mad at me, and you've been avoiding me! What did I do?!".

"You!", you yelled back as if that made perfect sense. "That's exactly what you are doing" your voice lowered, "you are just being you and I hate it. I hate that you can see right through me. I don't say anything to you, I don't speak to you in weeks but the second our eyes meet you can tell that I'm sad and miserable. It's killing me. You are killing me".

You crossed your arms looking down, you were about to cry but you took a deep breath and you didn't. I'm not going to lie, it felt nice to get everything out of your chest but it was the aftermath that scared you the most. What if you lost him completely? What if he decided you can't be friends anymore?

He just stood there. He didn't laugh as you thought he was going to, he didn't leave, or went running the other way either. He stood there.

"Look, just forget what I said," you said softly, slowly closing the door before he put his foot on the frame, not letting you walk away from this.

"What if I don't want to forget?", he spoke up, you lifted your gaze to face him, although a complicated knot formed on your stomach every time your eyes met his. "When we first bumped into each other, I thought you were gorgeous so, I started to notice you around the school. How you never really talked to anyone unless it was necessary, or how you always ate alone, how you sat under the same tree at the same time to read your book and I just figured, why a girl like her would like to be with someone like me."

You gasped, is he for real? "Dean...".

"And I tried to get you off my mind by being with other girls but then you helped Sammy, and I just..." he paused and sniffed a few tears that were threatening to come out. "I knew I wanted you around".

He leaned closer to you, taking your hand in his, as he gently touched your cheek. You closed your eyes at his touch, his gentle and sweet touch, and before you could even process what was going on, his lips found yours. Your heart was about to explode. You hugged him tight as he grabbed you by your waist and you spent a long time kissing under the stars.

"I have to go now" he whispered under his breath as he pressed his head against yours, "I left Sammy alone and if my dad shows up..." he trailed off, as you interrupted his words with a kiss. And another. "I have to go, like, right now" he grinned between the kiss, "but I promise tomorrow I'll take you on a date and we'll have a lot of time for this".

He let go of your body, a small smile appearing on his lips as he couldn't keep your eyes off you, before turning around and finally leaving home. What the hell just happened?

Once you were back in your bed, it was impossible for you to fall asleep. In fact, you had to pinch yourself a couple of times just to make sure it had actually happened. And it did. It happened. And now, it was all that mattered.

Wildest Dreams (Dean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now