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An excruciating pain invaded you the second your eyelids opened, and it took you a second to remember what the hell had happened to you. Then, it all came back vividly to you, enough to awaken you and force you to sit on the bed. "No," you whispered under your breath, "not another panic attack".

You were completely oblivious to the fact Dean was sleeping next to you, but even if you had noticed, you would have completely underestimated his reflexes. "You okay?" he asked in raspy voice, opening his eyes to find you sitting, and almost shaking.

"I'm okay", and even you didn't believe that. He made his way next to you, facing you, you dared to meet his eyes and butterflies were sent to your stomach because, damn, he looked so beautiful under the morning light.

"What can I get you?", he was so tender, and soft. He wasn't touching you but his mere presence was so damn comforting, like a warm hug in the middle of a winter night.

"You've done more than enough, Dean; I could never thank you".

A small grin appeared on his face, but nothing he could ever do would feel enough to repair the damage he had done years ago. "You scared me last night," his arms snaking you slowly, bringing you closer to him, his chin resting on your shoulder. He would never know how good that simple gesture felt. "I thought something bad had happened to you."

"But it didn't," you smiled, meeting his eyes with him, "and it was all thanks to you".

"Yeah, well, it was also thanks to me that you got into this mess in the first place".

"No, that was my boss, and by the way, remind me to send my resignation on Monday. I am so getting out of that shithole".

He laughed, standing up and giving you his hand for you to take, so he could help you walk. Everything hurt, but you managed to clean up nicely despite of the pain.

As you both made your way to the kitchen, Sam was in your computer, drinking coffee and doing some research. He seemed awfully alert to be this early in the morning.

"I found the ring," he said excited, not even bothering to say good morning. It was only after a few minutes of screen staring that he remembered what happened to you, and he asked you how you felt. You laughed, who would have thought you and Sammy would grow up to be so similar?

"I think it'd be easier for us to find it if we know how it looks like" he continued. "I also, uh, sort of hacked McKinley's credit card and, get this, he bought a flight ticket to Europe. He's leaving tonight".

"You think he knows someone's after him?" Dean questioned, pouring two cups of coffee, one for you and one for himself. You smiled at him for the gesture.

"Probably. It's been three years now since I work for him and not even once he left for a business trip. We should get to him before he vanishes to God knows where. He's definitely leaving with that ring on his suitcase".

"We? No way. You are staying here. For real" Dean complained. "After what happened last night I'm not risking again".

"What happened last night was because we didn't know anything about it, now it's different" you protested.

"I don't care, you are not coming. End of story".

"She can come with me. We'll check on McKinley before he leaves and you can go back to his office. We'll burn the ring the second he tell us where he's keeping it" Sam breathed out, and after an unnecesary arument, Dean gave in.

By the time you reach McKinley's place, you found him with suitcases by the sides of his leather chair, a half-empty bottle of scotch in one of his hands and a gun in the other.

"Leave (Y/N), you don't want to see this" he let out as he was pointing the gun to his head. "I did a million things wrong in my life and these people... these people died because of me, because of my actions".

"You can make this right again, you can help us stop this, once and for all" Sam pleaded the man.

"She can't be stopped. She came to me and told me all the things she was planning to do but I just didn't believe her" he confessed.

"Mr. Mckinley, please listen to us. We can kill her, we can end this" you insisted.

"Only I can end this."

Sam yelled trying to get the gun out of his hand but it was too late, the poor man shot himself before you could even ask him about the ring.

Both of you went speechless for a second, the ringing sound of the gun still lingering on your ears. And all that blood.

Sam immediately grabbed his phone to call Dean, "man, get the hell out of here before she gets you, we have no idea where it is".

"Too late, Sammy," Dean let out a small nervous laugh through the phone, "she's already after me so find it" he hung up and both of you started to search the place around as fast as you could, knowing Dean's life was in danger.

Where to start? The place was a mess and it could be fucking everywhere. Sam tried to calm you down telling you it was okay because Dean was a great hunter and he could handle himself. But you didn't even listen because all you could hear was, "Dean is in danger".

After a few minutes that seemed to last forever, you found Mr. McKinley's suicide letter: I'm so sorry Amanda for all the pain I have done to you. You deserved to be treated like a queen. I will always carry you next to my heart. I've done it all my life and I'll do it for the rest of the eternity. You read out loud.

"What the hell does that mean?" Sam asked nervous for his brother, knowing each second it passed, Dean was more in danger.

"I will always carry you next to my heart", you repeated, your brain spinning around, "next to my...", you kneeled next to the dead body and found, beneath his white blood-soaked shirt, a chain with the ring on it. Next to his heart.

"Found it!" you yelled in excitement as Sam took it out of you and threw it right away to the blazing fire of the fireplace. He immediately called Dean to check on him, luckily, he was okay. A few bruises here and there but he was okay.

The boys took care of the place and talked to the police, explaining everything, making up lies as they spoke, before heading back to your apartment. Dean was more than just bruised; she had thrown him hard into the concrete. He was lucky he didn't have a concussion.

Sam left after checking his brother was okay, for the fifth time or so; partly because he wanted to make sure the spirit was really gone, and partly because he wanted to leave the two of you alone.

Wildest Dreams (Dean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now