Part 57 - In the Wars

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Heya guys! Wassup? We've had quite a few new readers recently, so welcome to all the newbies. And don't forget to vomment. Yes, that's right, when voting and commenting are mixed, they make a word that sounds far too much like vomit for my liking. So definitely vomment, but try not to vomit. Those two words should not be confused. Anyhow, on with the story.

Getting shot hurts.

Getting shot in the head hurts even more.

It was also supposed to kill you.

So why wasn't I dead?

A shaky hand reached up to touch the warm blood which covered the side of my face. It took me a while to work out that the blood wasn't coming from my head, but rather just to the side of it.

The douchebag had hit my ear.

Slowly, painfully slowly, I became aware of the world around me again. I was lying behind a tree, and weirdly, there was a wolf standing over me. Protecting my body with his own. The wolf was bleeding from several places as well. Had he been shot too?

Ollie was crouched beside me, saying something that sounded like, "Stay down."

Well, screw that. I wasn't going to lie down while my friends risked their lives, especially if these packling shitheads were trying to kill me. I felt I had completely overreacted to getting shot, so now I needed to redeem myself.

I gave the wolf who was protecting me a shove and climbed unsteadily to my feet, making sure to stay in the cover of the trees. Leo must have felt my pain through the link, because his concern was hounding at my mind. I tried to give as much reassurance as I could convey over such a fragile connection. He was too far away.

Realising my knife was still in my hand, I flipped it into a throwing position and glanced at where I had seen the flash earlier. Another shot skimmed against bark only a foot from me. Whoever this sniper was, he wasn't half bad.

"Skye, it's you he wants. You gotta stay down," Ollie insisted, tugging at my arm.

The panic around me made it hard to concentrate. Screaming and shouting from every direction. Or maybe it was the blinding pain coming from my ear distracting me the most. I was glad to see that the guns were only aimed at me, not the hordes of rogues still running for the castle. I was less glad to see that the sniper was out of knife range. If I could just make it a little closer...

A hand snaked around my waist, and before I could resist, I was thrown over someone's shoulder. A familiar mess of light brown hair was all I could see of my attacker. Rhys, of course.

Well, dammit. I couldn't exactly stab him. It would almost have been better if it was a flockie. Then at least I could have some fun. I kicked uselessly at his stomach and swore.

"Nice to see you too, Skye. Let's get you somewhere nice and safe."

I didn't have to look at Rhys to know he was grinning.

"Put me down, jackass!" I growled at him.

"I'll look after her. You guys deal with the sniper," Rhys ordered. He shifted my weight and started walking. "You should have listened to Ollie. No suicide missions today."

With every step he took, I was getting further and further away from the fight that was about to take place. If I knew my fighters, they'd already be underneath the sniper, ready to move in. And I definitely didn't need babysitting.

Finally, when there were so many trees between us and the gun that a clear shot was beyond impossible, Rhys put me down at the base of a tree. Once we had completed the ritual of me trying to stand back up and him stopping me, I let out another growl.

Luna of RoguesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon