I'm back and I'm better

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So I'm totally through with whatever this journal thingy was supposed to be.

Update on my life since 2015:

1. Completely at terms with death, while I'd like to not die I don't think I'm so scared of it anymore

2. Fuck boys, fuckboys, and fuck boys.
To simplify that, I am a thirsty little hoe but also fuck boys because they're horrible, and fuck fuckboys too because I'm surrounded by them and it's making me sad as a dad.

3. I'm an angel. ( yeah I've been pretty delusional for the better part of 2016 but at least some good came out of it) I kinda see the world through what would be the opposite of rose colored shades and it's a total shitshow. The world is terrible, humanity is a failure and we're doomed. We've fucked up the environment and beyond that our relationships with one another are complete crap, ie: racism, homophobia, transphobia, bi erasure, fat shaming, slut shaming, ableism, antiblackness in poc communities, white people being offended by poc speaking up, hella other shit. So I guess the reason for my delusion is that I kinda don't want to swell in this death. Like I realize death will come but I don't want to mope around and just wait for it. I want to enjoy every bit of it. So I'm gonna just float and live a very chill and very enjoyable life despite the shitshow that is humanity. And I kind of think of that as the embodiment of an angel. Watching humanity and still choosing a life of peace, servitude, and just overall loveliness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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