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Alright first off I'm sick and tired of all these bwwm stories only including mixed girls. They all start with some "oh I'm half Italian" or "I'm 5% Guatemalan".
Newsflash people mixed girls aren't the only cute black girls. Guess what I'm mixed with black and more fucking blak and I'm still slaying on a daily basis.
Don't take it the wrong way. I have nothing against mixed girls i just hate that to be a pretty black girl you can't just be black like damn.
I just read this one story and the girl saw a pretty black girl and assumed she was mixed woth Italian. Um maybe not. She can't just be a pretty black girl? Do you have to assune she's mixed just because her hair is long? That shit tears me up inside. Anywho there's a picture of me up there, but I'm just black.

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