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Aniyah pov...

I was tired and stressed out my mom was at work and I needed a hot relaxing bubble bath. I did all my hygiene stuff in the shower and ran my bubble bath water I closed the bedroom door and the bathroom door and LOCKED both of them because I didn't trust Terrance. I got in the tub put my earbuds in but turned my volume down low so that I could hear if anyone would knock on the door. I laid back and closed my eyes after relaxing for 30 mins. I heard the room door unlocking so I opened my eyes I thought maybe when the air conditioner came on the door made a noise like it always do. I let the water out and got out the tub when I looked up the bathroom door was halfway opened I know I closed and locked it before I got in. I hurried up and wrapped myself in a towel and closed the door. I ran back in the bathroom put my clothes on and walked in the bedroom when I went to the door it was unlocked. The only person that was in the house was Terrance he had to do it as I was about to open the room door I saw a shadow run towards the living room. I opened the door and he was acting like he was sleep on the couch. I wanted to cut his fucking neck bitch I knew you was watching me while I was in the tub. I wanted to call and tell my mom but I didn't because we was already struggling with the bills and we wouldn't of had a roof over our head. I always ask my mom why she won't leave Terrance and her answer is always because it's a roof over our head I want to get out of it too but I'm not able to at the time.

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