The next morning

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Angela pov.... (Aniyah's mom )

The kids were sleepy so we put Aniyah and Kiante in the same room and put Jamal in another. I know how Aniyah is she doesn't open up to anyone easily it takes time. Terrance and I went into his room and sat on the bed making small conversations Angie can I ask you something? Yeah what? I didn't mean to come off sounding harsh but anyways he was like why don't your daughter like me? She just need time to adjust to things. After she get to know you she'll open up. Oh well I can tell she don't like me every time I try to talk to her she catch a attitude or ignore me like I did some to her aine did nun to her he said. Maybe tomorrow will be better I said trying to make him feel better we fell asleep. When we woke up it was 10:00a.m I got up and went in the living room 10 mins later the kids came in hey moma hey babies. When are we going home Aniyah asked as soon as Terrance gets up ok. After Terrance woke up he said good morning to everyone and Aniyah smart mouth ass says it'll be a good morning once we get home! Take us to our car so we go okay then lil lady he says and grab the keys and takes us to our car. The kids got out and I stayed in he kissed me and told me he'll call me later on. After about 6 months me and Terrance made it official and was finally in a relationship I kind of felt wrong because I was in a relationship but I wasn't happy. The bad thing about it was his name was Terrance too.

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