Loved by an Angel (Chapter 5)

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here is chapter 5 for those who are reading this. Thank you so much for yours votes on the other chapters they mean a lot. So hey maybe one of you will like this story good enough to leave a comment . REMEMBER COMMENT AND VOTE.



P.s. This is the Rewrite

Chapter 5

I will find myself

"You're not trying hard enough." Gazardiel yelled at me. Were angels even allowed to get mad? Because he looked angry. Apparently because I couldn't soul jump again I'm not trying hard enough

"I'm trying as hard as I can. I need a break."I yelled back. My own fiery storm building up in my chest.

"How do you expect to keep your soul if you don't practice and use your power for something good?" He was still yelling but it all seemed to drown out by my rage he was building up.

"I am TRYING. It's not my fault these stupid powers.."

Something flashed through my vision. I looked up Gazardiel looks really tall now. I looked down at my feet and saw the fur.

I did it, I really did it again.

I hopped around for a little bit and played around. I could feel the animal's soul. I was pushing into mine. This rabbit isn't strong enough to push me out.

I finally let go and re-entered my own body.

"Woah, If looks could kill then you definitely just killed me." I said jokingly. "Oh come on! What now? I just jumped and you're still glaring at me."

He grunted.

"Except for your letting your emotions control your powers. This is not a good thing. It takes only the wrong person and you could cause major catastrophe."

"I can't ever do anything right by your standards can I. Sorry I'm not perfect like you. I'm only human." I sneered at him.

Why does he drive my emotions so crazy? I never let a guy get to me like this.

Because he's an angel not a guy.

"Which you have proved. Let's get back to work." He motioned his hand to work.

"No I need a break. Did you see that little thing I did where my soul jumped out my body into the rabbits body? It's exhausting. I'm leaving! Goodbye." I said while I picked up my purse and stalked out of my room.

When I got to the van I called Brie at work.

"hello?"she answered.

"Brie. I need a shopping spree now."I breathed out

"Oh no what happened?" she asked

"like you don't already know."

"Yeah I do know but I would've listened to you anyways. By the way he is going to pop up in the van 3..2... 1." She said.

"You need to get back to practice Lillian Anne Gray." A male voice boomed over brie's voice.

I dropped the phone in my lap and Jumped up.

"Shit ! You can't just pop up on people like that!" I yelled at him. "It's so rude."

I picked the phone back up.

"So can you take a break or what?"I asked her.

"Yeah I get lunch in about 15 minutes." She said

"Okay I'll be there in 5." I told her then hung up.

I started the car. If he wasn't going to leave me alone he could go shopping with us.

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