Chapter 9: Heartless

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*~=Kei's POV=~*

We were on the ship, me and Sora at Roxie's bunk with Eori. We've tried everything... We're had Eori sit close to Roxie... Had Sora hug her like what Kairi did at the end of the first game, and we've had Eori do the same....

Nothings working...

Riku's tried to feed Sora again... lets just say he got covered in mashed potatos and Corn.... It was funny to watch though...

I've been sitting in my bed for the past 30 minutes, trying to think up an Idea to fix Roxie...

Riku came over to my bunk, Smiling. I look at him "How can you be smiling Riku... Roxie might be dead... and it's all my fault....."

Riku walks over to me and motioned me to come closer. I leaned down twords his face, and he wisered in my ear "She's awake...."

My eyes widen and I jump off my bunk and run to Roxie's bunk.

I as I run to Roxies bunk, I see Sora hugging a girl. A certen girl with brown hair. I smiled, Knowing Roxie was alright...

Roxie looks over to me, she looked tired and pale. Sora was squeezing her tightly, smiling brightly."Your awake! Your alright!" He kept saying to her.

"How did she wake up?! What happened?!"

Sora let go of Roxie and looked at me, tears in his eyes " We don't know... But Eoris gone... And Roxie's awake... That's all that matters to me...

Roxie looked frail and weak, her clothes looking sctually darker than they usually were... Her long sleeve shirt looked like a dark purple and black galexy with micky mouse still on it. Her blue jean shorts are not slightly torn black jean shorts.

Roxie smiled and walked over to me, giving me a hug.

"You scared the living hell out of us, Roxie..." I told her. She seemed to smile "I'm sorry..." She told all of us. "I am... truly ... deeply sorry...."

"Don't worry about it!" Riku said "Your alive, Now Sora can eat! And NOT throw food at me!"

Sora looked over at Riku "In your dreams, Riku! I can still do that!" He grins his cheesy grin, Roxie laughes. It's like she never left.

*~= Roxie's POV =~*

I feel weak.... But at least I'm awake.... It's great to be out of there... in that darkness.... i hated it... I felt alone... But now i'm stronger... I can help... I know I can....

I walked over to Sora and tap his shoulder and said "H-Hey Sora...? S-Smile... F-For me...." I studdered over my words

He smiles and huged me tightly "I'll smile whenever you want Roxie..." Everyone was just staring at us either giggaling or just smiling like idiots. I started to blush slightly bug looked away from the group.

"You know Roxie.... something seems different about you...." Kei said aloud, I flinched slightly. "N-Nothing different... N-Nothing at all..." I mumbled, yet then Riku spoke "... I feel a heartless in the room....." I flinched again.

Sora pulled away from me and looked around "Where is it..." He grumbled, Riku pointed my way " I feel it closed to her..." He said.

I started to back away as eyes were on me now "I-I um....." To scared to finish my sentence, I run off. I hear footsteps behind me as I run. They were all yelling my name, yelling for me to stop, but I kept on running until I ran off the ship.

.... I'm sorry guys.... I didn't want this... I didn't want to be... a heartless.....

*~=Soras P.O.V=~*

What happened wile she was asleep... I want to know... When she woke up... she seemed to be slightly different... apart from her clothes.... I'm suprised she didn't hide from the attention she was getting as soon as she woke up.

I'm worried about her.... I'm scared for her... and I hope she's alright....

We started to look thru raident gardens for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. We looked in allyways, we looked at shops, and we asked around. No one saw Roxie.

It was odd, No one has seen Roxie at all. So we gave up for a bit, hoping she would just come back on her own....

(Time ;-; Skip)

she hasen't shown up yet, which is starting to worry me... What is she got attacked... what if she got turned into a heartless and we never knew.... We should have kept on looking for her...

I sat there in the steps, sulking as I waited for her. Leon walked over behind me and tapped my shoulder. "She'll be here when she want's to be... don't worry... she wouldn't leave you, or any of her friends, alone."

I nodded knowing he was right as I walked back into the building.

*=~Tetsuya's's P.O.V~=*




I need to leave...


A new world...

Is in danger...


Roxie here! This seems to be getting interesting! I appologise if it seems like I'm making this all about Roxie, I don't want that...

Kei: Sorry about this ^^;

To Roxie: I've been really busy with other fanfics so sorry for the abandoning

Also I can't come to camp this year sorry

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