Mate IV

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Hey little munchkins. Enjoy!.

___June 12, 11:21 pm____

It's been a week and half since we've started the TKN project. It have been difficult and stressing and I barely sleep.
I need to switch off this brain a moment cause I'm going to explode. In anger, frustration, I'm losing hope in my capacity to run this out!.

I yawned. I rose from my seat to the bathroom, it's 11:23pm and dammit I can't just sleep when I have to finish those files.

I looked at the mirror ... Ahh!. Suck it up Draco you look like grandma Syntia with those bigs circles under her eyes.

I decided to take a shower and change into some gray pants and
timberlands boots and a grey t-shirt. I picked my jacket and stormed out of the house with a messy hair. Who the fuck cares, Mom isn't here to scowl me.
There's no way I can sleep tonight.     I made call:

" - What is doing Jamieson a Thursday night?.- Samuel said chuckling."
" Where are you?." - mumbled annoying.
" At the Primetime, come here, there's sluts you can beat tonight."
I groaned feeling mad at his terms, but I'm not surprise.
Samuel's one of those jerk who likes to play with women, it doesn't matter how he dishes them, he just don't give a fuck.

I looked at my garage. Which one am I suppose to pick?!. Why did I bought four cars?!, my mom did good telling me that's unnecessary.
But I just don't heard her as always, I just stormed out in my executive/Sport Mercedes Benz.

The Primetime is full as usual, brats and dolls rubbing each other and people shoving themselves.
Is this what I really need?.
Don't think so!.
I gazed the area looking for Samuel, I just want to go, but now that I'm here...
I felt someone tapping my back eagerly and when I turned back I found one of my colleagues, Bruno Lyöv smiling at me.
I returned the gesture, feeling for the first time in this week light headed and a bit relaxed.

- Mate, how long have you been here?. Why didn't you contact me, before?. - I asked him while putting a hand on his shoulder.

- I came back to close a deal in Chicago so I decided to stopped by NY and see what's good in Manhattan. By the way you look older my friend, what's happening?, you're stressed I perceive it.

How well he knows me, I smiled. I missed my friend, my truly and old friend. We met since college, in a Feria.
I still remember that joyful date.


It's a cloudy day, at Columbia. I took a look a my surrounds, there's a lot of talented people gathered here to share their ideas about technology, politics, economy, etc. 
I was so nervous about my father coming with his partners. I know he'd show off my skills to others and I don't want to disappoint him in any way.
I turned my head to the other side of my table to see a geek complaining about his bad luck. Poor guy, his stuff fell on the floor.
I made my way towards him to help him.
- May I help?- I politely asked him.
He gazed at me from toe to head with wide eyes.
- Ah, yes thank you!. - he said, a bit unsure.
I saw his pained face when he analyzed his now broken project.
- Hey, you can still use this Woden to create some thing new, don't worry it's just a Feria.- I reassure him, like it's not a big deal which IT IS.
But I feel like I need to tell him this as I continue.
- And maybe you don't know if that one would make you rich some day, it's not bad luck, it's fate, if that thing you worked so hard broke its for a reason.
He looked at me amazingly surprised, his green eyes shinning with hope and determination for each word I muttered.

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