Manhattan VIII

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Maya's Pov.

Full of wealthy people.
Full of shit too.
and full of crap.
Oh wait... I just said that.

I let out a frustrated sigh, looking at the sky. Not feeling in my best day. Manhattan is full of thick air. So different from NJ.

My feet were sore, I feel like a completely fail although I'm not. This happens to everybody right?.

Waking up at 7:13 am because my phone's volume was low enough for me to not fuckn hear the alarm. Being blessed by a pregnant godmother who was snoring in the other room, so I had to fly like an eagle to the bathroom, making a good disaster of myself, putting on a sock backwards, forgetting my little map of the bus routes, and leaving my breakfast for dinner. Yeah, I didn't have the time. Not to mention I don't know how to do my make up so I was looking ...

Like a joke.

That's how people looked at me at the printer company.

I got the wrong route and arrived 32 minutes late. The recruiter probably judged my tardiness and lack of style and sweaty make up.

- Ah... Are you here for te job?.- she said a bit rude.

- YES. I'm sorry I was caught up with the wrong route on my way...- she got tired quickly and asked me my name.

- Listen... In this company we're looking for people with skills and responsibility.- she was saying while gazing me from head to toe. - your interview was canceled due to your tardiness.


-I'm new in this country I didn't know my routes and I was confused... - I started babbling cause I was desperate. I need this.

- Im sorry, we'll call you if something comes up.- she looked back. - Next please.

The bitch wasn't sorry.
I don't think I'm going to be called to.
I'm officially fucked up with sore feet looking at the sky and seeing the weather change so drastically.

- This is not my day.

If it wasn't for my brain... I blame my brain... It was thinking till 1 am of a certain man.

I wouldn't be so tired and probably woke up without help.

Now I'll probably arrive soaked cause the freaking bus hasn't arrived yet. I'm so stressed.

I looked at my watch. It's 9:41 am, and I'm starving.

I decided to go and eat at some Cafe since I was feeling a bit dizzy and I don't want to slip out in the streets.

After I ordered I pick up my phone from my purse. No missed calls. No emails from a job. No even a WhatsApp message.


I sometimes become emotional when I feel too alone. When I fight and work my ass off for something and it doesn't result what I expected.

I've learned since a young age not to expect a lot from people. They might disappoint you. But when you work and chase something you cannot resist the hollow feeling.

I have an oblivious and sensitive mother. And a father that I can barely call him that.

I fight with my tears. I don't want to feel like this. I'm supposed to be strong and independent. Not needing help. But sometimes I understand people who make unreasonable decisions just because the depressing feeling. The need to someone might comfort you.

So I made the most irrational action in ages.

I called Draco.

From all the people I could call I just felt like he was the most interested in me. At the time.

It ringed several times. I was starting to regret this stupid and childish action but then...

- Maya?. - I sucked in a breath. Suddenly nervous and embarrassed.
I couldn't voice any words.

- Maya?. Are you listening?.

- Ahh... Ye- Yeah, I was just...- I sighed defeated. - I'm sorry for bothering. You must be busy.

At least I finished speaking well.

He sighed over the phone making me scared of this response.

- I was heading back from a meeting. Are you okay?. - He sounded a bit concerned actually. - Isn't today your interview?

- It was horrible. - I put my hand on my eyes trying to hold back my stupid tears.

- Cucciola, tell me what happened?. - I don't like the pity on his voice.

I'm really feeling like a stupid kid right now. Suck it up Maya.

- I don't want to really disturb you, Draco. I can...

- Where are you?. - He said a bit bored.

Since I don't want to bother him further I just told him the address.

- I'm coming. WAIT right where you are. - he told me over the line his breath labored making me notice that he was actually walking and unlocking his cars by the sound of beeps.

Wait what????

- Draco?.

Dead line.

- Well fuck. I've just told him where am I, guess I'll wait. I don't truly believe he's coming but...

- Miss, your toast, water and fruits. - the waitress placed the plates on my table.

I smiled not really animated to respond.

Through the Cafe the speakers were playing Calvin Harris Summer. Omg I hummed happily eating my melons. Music and food is the only thing that can make me feel good in this moment.

I was finishing my toast when when Sam Smith Money On My Mind came through the radio.

Oh boy. My favorite after Adele. I smiled brighter, but when I gaze to the front door my smile froze so dangerously that I thought my cheeks suffered Botox effect.

All easiness drained from my face, reminding me the reason he's here.

Here we go.

Hello baddies.
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