X Mortal Kombat: The Begining

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A thunderstorm ravaged the lands with mixture of rain and hail that crashed to the earth. Which on an already cool night  was awakening I stepped through the portal landing in what appeared to be Earth-Realm. However similar to the Earth-Realm I fought against this place felt different, it had an exuberant feeling radiating from it's core, and aroused me bringing life to everything around me. I was in a city that was bright as day with flashing lights, and moving vehicles that raced past at the command of street lights.  As the hail fell down it struck me upside the head, and I raced to the cover of a buildings skirt. I knew I would be safe here, I could blend in and start over. A new life far from any Elder Gods, or Bastard Emperor. I resented helping the brutish Emperor, it was clear from the beginning I was the brains, and fluid motion to his rule, all he remained around for was the godlike power to conquer realms. His betrayal I foresaw, so when he ripped me from my body and placed me into Sindel I knew I wasn't trapped for so long. His death freed me, and I reclaim my life for myself.

"Look what I found," Someone in all black leather said walking up towards me, "Check it out boys, a lost little Twink all ready for us."

Within that moment I was surrounded by other likewise dressed members of the gang, they all had devient smiles on their faces. I realized I had stepped into their territory as I noted paint on the walls with the same logos, that they wore. I didn't have a chance to resist, as they grabbed me, and overpowered me with in a moment. I was too sore, and for the most part weakened from the teleportation spell that brought me here. I was temporarily knocked out, from a hard metal instrument and woke up underground.

I found myself in a pit, that rested deep within a cage, with a thousand people above throwing money around wagering bets, and I felt I had an Idea of what was coming next. After the crowd was silenced, the person on the microphone, called out "In the defendant's corner weighing in at an feathers amount of 125lbs, "The Twink." I was being referred to as a Twink, and was unsure of this reference. " Coming from Harlem, deep in the depths of the underworks, is your Champion of the Pits, "Bezerk the Terrible."

A man near seven feet, walked from the shadows, his body was riddled with scars, and his left eye was missing, but the lame right eye rested on me, and a perverted smile came to his face. He was lurched over, and his right foot was completely rested out to the side dragging the leg as he moved along.  He opened his mouth a mushed the words. "I...crush...little...Twinkie....and... eat'em."

"I challenge you to Mortal Kombat, the fight to the death." I said striking my ancient art of shéquán.

"I will make play toy of your corpse." He chuckled like a childlike voice before ripping out patching of his already mangled hair, than going into a rage, and attacking me.

I was able to use my speed to counter most of his moves, especially when he went for more powerful strike attacks, but I was not fully capable of defending myself when people were throwing various liquids down and got them in my eyes. I quickly suffered a massive pounding, and as I rose to my feet, I opened my eyes to what looked like my end until, I clawed the air snagging a fabric of his soul, and pulled it into me, "Ni xian zai shi e watta ga!" I chuckled as I felt his strength enter my body, and grinned as I learned his weakness from his own memories. "Your Soul Is Mine!"

With the new found information I ducked under his attack, jumped onto his back, removed a layer of his armor, and drove an impressive elbow right into his neck. As he fell to his knees collapsing, I snagged a deadly grip on his soul, and pulled it into myself engulfing him forever. With his strength still flowing through me, I climbed my way to the upper cage, where the betting people watched with fear as I broke through, and grabbed the announcer.

"Where are the one's who sold me to you?" I questioned looking him in the eye.

"How did you know you were sold..." His eyes grew wide, realizing the only other person in the room when I was brought in was the man I just killed.

"Don't make me ask again." I threatened.

"You're just a Teen, how deadly can you be against this Machine gun." He said pulling a gun on me after dropping his mike.

"Appearances, can be deceiving." I grabbed his throat. with a quick snakebite ripping out his flesh as blood sprayed all over my face before I devoured his soul. "What a foolish question to have asked, after killing his Champion."

I was satisfied with the knowledge I gained from the Announcers death, and in taking his form It would allow for me to get close with the gang. Walking out of the building through the chaos, I made my way down to Third Ave. and met up with them as they hid under the lamp light. "You boys have impressed me tonight, the young man you brought in killed Bezerk,"

"Holy Shit no way K-Z You hear that." The smallest member said hyped.

"Yeah I heard him," The biggest said walking up to me, "We get double now, since we provided you with your next champion."

"I am afraid it is I who is cashing in tonight," I said transforming into my youthful form, before draining them one at a time following them as they ran, unbenounced to them every hide out I knew from the previous victim. I was lead back to the smallest members house, he tried locking me out only to find I appeared behind him, and the look of shock in his eyes made the soul even sweeter as the adrenaline from fear was drenching it.

I felt something soft and furry rub against my leg. I looked down to see a small furry feline creature purring, as it gently clawed my leg. I quickly reached down picking the thing up with my hand and brought it to eye level.It was so soft helpless, and most of all delecate. I thought of taking it's innocent soul for sweet satisfactory, but when it tickled my nose with a lick, so I grew gentler on my grip, and a even more dastardly plan awoken inside of me. I grabbed it's collar, sending a shockwave of dark magic through him, and  when I moved my hand and amulet remained on his collar. A twin amulet to the one around my neck, it would allow him to hold souls, and me a messenger for me. "I shall name you....Bee Tsung."

I walked out of the house, and back into the rain. Relishing in the victory that was gift wrapped for me. "Hey, what are you doing out here like that." Someone yelled at me ripping me away from my agressive daydream of wishing Shao Khan died at my hands. He was in his late forties, a short stocky man who seen better days, and looked out of place in the bustling city. "You can't be running around the place naked in the freezing rain. Where are your Parents?"

I remembered, I was not Shang Tsung the old man, nor in my late twenties, I was in my teen years. "I have no parents, I have no idea where I am." I said working his sympathy, while extracting any information from him, "Please All I remember is black, and then I woke up in the rain with my Cat."

He took of his, coat, ushered me into the back of his motor carriage  like a caring father, and rushed me to a hospital. The drive was quick, he was quiet, and the only sound was the rumble of his Motor carriage. Once there I was surrounded by doctors, nurses, and their various instruments that could exact a torture unseen in Outworld. Yet they were kind, letting me keep Bee Tsung as I was to "rest", they even fed and clothed me. A hospitality I never imagined to find in an earthrealm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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