All For Love (9)

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Chapter Nine  

"What is wrong with you, Alison? You're all silent today." Jennifer remarked as she put a spoon of ice cream into her mouth.

"Couldn’t you have told me this before?" I asked her, groaning. I was annoyed because she supposedly forgot to tell me her party was just next week. 

"I thought I told you. Besides I didn't know Jeremy was leaving." She stated whirling her spoon through the giant ice cream bowl. She was sitting on one of the kitchen stools with her laptop propped open on the counter next to the ice cream bowl. Emily was nowhere in sight.

"I don't have anything to wear," I retorted back at her. She gave me a weird look.

"What? Have you seen your closet? It's two times bigger than mine!" She exclaimed shooting a glare at me. 

"But I mean..nothing I want to wear," I told her as I took a sip of my coffee. It had been almost a week since Jeremy had left. He called just after he touched down in London and then with a space of two days. I hadn't heard from him in a day now. 

"Well..find something. You're going to be the life of the party with your billionaire husband and all," she said, her attention directed towards her laptop.

"I thought that was old news," I replied glancing at my phone which sat on the counter. I kept glancing at it now and then just to make sure I wouldn't miss any calls from Jeremy. Of course I would hear the ringtone but I wanted to be sure, you know.

"Nah, Jer's still hot as ever." I smiled at her response. 

"So how's Christian?" she asked all of a sudden. My head shot up at her question. She was looking at me with a sly smile on her face.

"Uhh..he's fine, I suppose. Haven't talked to him in a while," I said taking another sip of my coffee. I had finally told Jennifer all that happened 'that horrible night' and she had already given me a lecture on how stupid I had been. 

"He's good looking, you know," she said, more to herself than me.

"Shut up, Jennifer." 

I wanted to see Jeremy desperately. I kept kicking myself for not going with him. I had spent most of my week chilling with Jennifer, catching up on her life and shopping...well..window shopping anyway. 

"Chill, Alison. He's going to be back in no time. Spend some time with your best friend," she said. 

"I've spent this whole week with you," I huffed. I was really glad we had gotten to spend some time together now that she was back from Paris. She had loads to tell anyway. 

"Jeremy won't be coming to your party." I told her. She nodded making a face as she ate another spoonful of her ice cream.

"He will have to deal with me later," was all she said. I watched her as she stared at her laptop screen. She was really beautiful, her figure was to die for even though she ate like a pig. It was surprising how stunning she was. 

Maybe I am getting old.

"Alison! Your phone is ringing. I'm picking up." Jennifer's voice brought me back to reality just in time to see her put my phone to her ear. I immediately sat up straight and made a lung for the phone but she pushed away and stood up.

"Hey Jeremy. What's up?" she asked into the phone. My heart skipped a beat. Jeremy! He called. 

"Give me the phone." I whispered desperately. I just wanted to hear his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine you tell. How's London?" she said again giving me a cunning smile. 

"Give it to me," I hissed stretching my hand towards her.

"Oh, Alison? You want to talk to her? Uh…huh. Right. Wait. I don’t think she's around."

"Jennifer! Give me the phone!” I whispered in a firm tone. She handed me the phone with a laugh. I glared at her punching her shoulder as she sat down again. I put the phone to my ear and hurried out of the kitchen. 

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