Chapter 5: In Which You Have A Flashback (Pt. 2)

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A/N: btw, this fic isn't gonna follow the plot of the manga or any of the animes exactly. i've taken a few liberties.

sorry, but i think it's more exciting that way.

oh, and this is the last flashback chapter, cuz i didn't want to drag the flashback on too long. i haven't explained everything there is to explain, but i'll get to it in time. feel free to comment if you're confused by anything, i love talking to you all!

Chapter 5: In Which You Have A Flashback (Part 2)

"GOODNIGHT. I'LL SEE you in the morning."

The memory of those cold, snake-like eyes and that cruel smile stretched across a pale face was the first thing to flash across your mind as you awoke, even before the memory of your parents letting those men take you--


There must have been some mistake. Your parents would never do that.

You sat up and glanced around the room: white walls, a simple wooden nightstand and dresser, a window covered with white curtains. No sign of the man in the white suit, or anyone else.

You tumbled out of bed and ran to the window. Or, rather, you tried to. The second your bare feet hit the cold tile, a wave of dizziness swept over you, sending black sparks dancing through your vision as you fell to the floor.


After a moment, you managed to pull yourself up and lean against the bed. Something on your left arm caught your eye. A bandage. You pulled it off, revealing a small puncture wound. An injection? Was that how that man had made you pass out?

You waited another minute for your head to clear before you pulled yourself to your feet and walked to the window. Pushing back the curtains, you surveyed the city before you, seen from your position on the second floor. At first it seemed new and strange, but then a couple familiar buildings caught your eye. You were in the heart of Central.

A sharp knock came from the door. You hardly had time to turn around before it was opened by a man in a blue military uniform. You immediately recognized him as the man who came into your room about a week ago.

He showed no sign of remembering you. "[F/N L/N], please come with me," he said in a monotone

"Where?" you demanded.

"To see the Fuhrer."


The man glared at you. "Please come with me."

You glared right back at him for a moment. Then, in one quick motion, you spun around and tugged at the latch on the window. Unfortunately for you, it wouldn't budge.

You struggled with the window for another moment, then slowly turned back around to face the man. He showed no emotion, only standing aside so you could walk out.

Reluctantly, you did so.

The hallway was as stark as your room, all white paint and white tile with no decorations to speak of. The man walked behind you; there was no need for him to lead you, as there was only one direction you could go. You didn't need to look back to know he was keeping a close eye on you as you walked.

The two of you carried on for several minutes, past dozens of identical doors, until you reached one that drew your attention, as it was painted a deep, velvety shade of red.

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