Chapter 3: In Which You Meet Shortcake

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A/N: Thanks to @moonysfurryproblem and @Vampericmaid for encouraging me to update, and also to everyone else who has read, voted and commented! This book is almost at 1K what is this O_O

Chapter 3: In Which You Meet Shortcake

"FULLMETAL," THE COLONEL said, not at all surprised by the interruption. "I'm busy. Talk to me later."

"I'll talk to you now," spat the short, blond-haired boy. He stomped forward, his red cloak swirling behind him, and slammed his hands on the Colonel's desk. "Would you care to explain this?!"

"This" was a sheet of paper, stamped with the seal of Amestris and covered in cursive script, which Fullmetal (if you had heard that correctly) threw down upon the desk. The Colonel picked it up and examined it with apathetic eyes.

"This appears to be an official order, commanding you to report to the town of Liore."

"You said that after we took care of the extortion ring in Fiske, Al and I could take some time to look for the Stone!" Fullmetal seethed.

"Hmm...I did, didn't I." The Colonel placed the paper down. "Come back in an hour and we'll see what can be done."


"Leave." The Colonel's eyes burned. "I am busy."

"What's so important?" Fullmetal demanded.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about."

Fullmetal looked prepared to retort, then his eyes alighted on you for the first time.

"Who's this kid?"

"[F/N L/N], the Mechanical Alchemist," you said with a smile. "Oh, and by the way, this kid is just as old as you are, not to mention taller and able to kick your ass, Shortcake, so I would suggest you be a tad less rude."

Fullmetal gaped for a moment, before his look of surprise turned to one of incredible fury. "Who are you calling so short that they--"

"Please brother, let's not even start that today," said an exasperated voice. You turned to see someone in a suit of armor standing in the doorway.

Fullmetal was paying no attention to whoever it was in the armor. "--can only be seen under a microscope? Who are you calling so tiny that they could live in a dollhouse? Who are you calling so minuscule--"

"No one said any of that!" the Colonel and the suit of armor yelled in unison.

The armor clanked forward. "I'm so sorry about my brother," he said, apparently to you.

"Oh, it's fine. Actually I'm quite enjoying this," you said with a snicker.

"--that they can't go in the ocean because they'll dissolve into the water molecules--" Fullmetal continued to rant, but he was cut off when the suit of armor picked him up and headed for the door.

"Hey! Al, put me down!" Fullmetal thrashed in the armor's hold, but it was no use. "I'll be back!" he yelled, still struggling vainly, and then the door slammed shut and there was silence.

"So...does that happen often?" you asked.

"Only with Fullmetal," the Colonel said, massaging his temples.

You leaned back in your chair and smirked. "You need to learn how to better control your subordinates."

"I think I do well enough," the Colonel said with a glare. "Fullmetal's always been a bit of a firecracker."

"Look who's talking, Flame Alchemist."

"Touché." The Colonel steepled his fingers and fixed his eyes on you. "Anyway, before we were interrupted, I was about to tell you that the military has been experiencing a series of attacks on the Units, which are high-security buildings used for training."

"Training of what?"

The Colonel hesitated. "Rather...special members of military personnel. Assassins. Bombers. Spies. Suffice to say that the safety and security of the Units is of upmost importance. And yet, in the last couple of weeks, three of the eleven Units have been compromised and either destroyed or overtaken by an unknown force. The attacker was somehow able to defeat dozens of incredibly skilled fighters."

"So what you're saying is that whoever did this must be really strong."

"Extremely strong. And extremely dangerous."

"And you want me," --You pointed to yourself-- "To take them down."

"Yes, basically."

You studied the Colonel from across the desk. "I suppose I don't really have much choice."

"No," the Colonel agreed. "You really don't. This is your purpose, after all."

"My purpose, huh?" You tilted your head to the side. "My purpose is to go where no one else dares, to face what everyone else has deemed too dangerous. My purpose is to be a last resort. That's what the military thinks, isn't it?"

The Colonel didn't reply. He didn't need to. You both knew you were right.

"Fine," you said, rising to your feet. "I'll take the mission."

The Colonel gave a curt nod. "Very well. You'll find that lodgings have been prepared for you in the military hotel under the name of Avery Brook."

"Avery Brook? Why the false name?"

"A precaution. There are some people out there who might still remember your real name, and who you were before you joined the military. That's why I'm going to ask you not to bandy your real name around, like you did in your, ah, dramatic entrance earlier. From now on you will use the name Avery Brook, and you will attempt to avoid unnecessary contact with civilians."

You shrugged. "Sure. Whatever you say."

"That's all for now," the Colonel said. "Good afternoon."

"See ya." You waved a hand and proceeded out the door.


Later that night, you sat in one of the sparely furnished rooms of the military hotel, gazing out the fourth floor window overlooking the lights of Central city.

It had been years since you were here last, and it was a long and twisted path that had lead you from the days when you were a young, alchemy-and-mechanics-loving child living in a small house in the outskirts of Central, to now, a state alchemist preparing to set out on a dangerous and possibly life-ending mission.

The memories were growing stronger, your mind was growing exhausted, and yet the night was still young...

You know what that means.

Flashback time.

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