Ch. 2 The Mall Of NYC

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  • Dedicated to لائبہ فاطمہ

Author's note:

This chapter is dedicated to my evil little sister. She wrote the whole chapter. Thanks for the help! =D


"Make way people. A star is coming."

My bodyguard pushed through the huge crowd of people, making enough way for me to walk easily. 


The sound of thousands of people screaming my name echoed in my brain like moving furniture in an empty attic. But instead of making me frustrated, it actually made me happy. To know there are people out there who love me and are cheering for me.

This, was one the few moments in my busy, celebrity life, that i actually loved.

My bodyguard lead me to my secured place where i had to sign Cd's. There was a a table in the middle, and behind it, was a huge poster of my new album and my life size cardboard cut-out. 

I sat down in my chair and took a deep breath.

"So, it begins" I thought looking at the huge crowd in front of me "This is gonna be a long night".

My bodyguard handed down a mic to me then.

"Hey everyone!  Carly here! I hope you all enjoyed my new album! THANK YOU EVERYONE who came here. Thank you guys"

The crowd roared at my announcement.

"To make it easier for you guys and me as well, i would like you all to divide up and make 2 separate lines"

The crowd divided up in 2 lines as quick as they could. They did it so fast, It's like, this was school and i was the meanest teacher giving them orders. This scene made me chuckle.

Many hours passed by. Different types of people showed up in front of me. There was a little girl who gave me a cute card. Another girl brought cookies, which my bodyguard didn't let me eat. He said cookies are dangerous.

I so hate him.

There was a girl who got her guitar signed, and a guy who got the back of his ear signed! He said it wouldn't wear off from there. Weirdo.

This was certainely, a long, long night. 

I returned home at 1 am. My mom wasn't up.  

"She could have stayed up for me" I thought. The fact that my mom doesn't care enough to wait up for me made me tear up. It hurt my heart.

But, I wiped my tears away. 

"Maybe, she was sleepy. She's a busy woman too." I consoled myself.

I hung my coat on the coat rack and went upstairs to my room. I was really tired. I didn't have the energy to even change my clothes. I went to my room and directly fell on my bed.

Before i knew it, I had fallen asleep.

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