Snap out of it

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Permanent James pov (yay finally geez)

Driving down the road I hear tapping. Aleks' slender fingers lightly drumming on the dash of my car.
"Are we heading back to your place?" His brown eyes making contact with mine at the red light.
"Yeah, why you hungry?" He nods in response, his cute mouth curling into a smile.

Arriving at my house we exit the car, the sun slowly going down the cool night air drifting in.
Aleks walked behind me to the front door.
"Are you okay with sleeping on the couch?" I turned to him, an eyebrow raised.
He only shrugged, "Yeah, it's fine." patting my shoulder he slipped past me and into my living room plopping himself down on the couch in mind. With a goofy look on his face he closes his eyes, pretend snoring.
Opening one eye he sticks his tongue out the side of his mouth.
"Aleks you look ridiculous with those clothes come on and change, I think I might have something better for you to wear." Hopping from his former seat he followed quickly behind, up the stairs.
I toss him a small grey t-shirt with a Pipboy on the front. He strips down to the briefs I gave him. I feel my face getting hot as I awkwardly swayed back and forth. His petite body frame left the shirt to just hang from his shoulders stopping just below his hips.
"Don't look at me like that." He said coyly, biting his lip and looking down.
He approached me hips swaying a bit, my face getting higher in temperature every step he took.
Placing his delicate hands on my shoulders he shoved me onto the bed with incredible strength.
"A-Aleks? What are you doing?" I asked my sentence getting caught in my throat half way. He continued his approach, crawling onto me. Straddling my waist his leaned forward so that our faces were only inches apart. I could feel his breath on my face, sharp exhales of breath making the hair on my neck stand at end.
His lips met mine a bit sheepish at first then with lust. Like a awkward dance our rhythms synced up and it got more passionate. I flipped Aleks on his back attacking his neck with wet kisses. His moan bounced off the walls of my room. Our lips meeting again, my heart pounding in my ears. "James!"~~

I jolt awake, gulping, throat dry. It was just a dream. Sitting up on my bed I take deep breaths rubbing my face. Jesus, what the fuck? I thought scooting to the edge of my bed.
Walking down the stairs I creep softly around the corner leaning to look into the living area. Aleks was sleeping soundly, his long hair over his eyes. A wash of relief goes over me.
What is wrong with me? Do I like Aleks? But Jordan, I'm so confused... Ignoring my thoughts of judgement I walked down to the kitchen.

"Hey James!" Aleks chirped sitting on the kitchen island, hand deep in a box of cereal.
"Hey.." Awkwardly I shuffled to the fridge grabbing some orange juice. "Aleks, uh, this is a really strange question but... Do you like me?" The embarrassment probably showing on my face.
"Uh, yeah oh course you're really nice!" He hesitantly answered glancing at me.
"No I mean, never mind." He'll never understand.
Walking out with my phone, I ring up Jordan. Hopefully getting lunch with him will help from thinking about this too much.
"Hey, you wanna get lunch? I need to clear my mind. Steak'n'Shake okay? See you there." I hang up before he could even speak. Standing in my room I look around grabbing a few things like my sweater and wallet.
"Hey Aleks I'm going out for a bit I'll be back in a few hours.." He nods still perched on the island stuffing his face with cereal. I shut the door behind me and jog to my car.
In the drivers seat I sit inhaling a sharp breath and start the car.
Looking among the busy streets, cars passing me and I make it to the restaurant.
Making my way to the front entrance I take a deep breath in, looking for the signature red hat.
"Hey, did you already order?" I asked looking at Jordan's surprised and confused face.
"No, I was waiting for you." He smiled grabbing one of the menus flipping through it. What am I supposed to say to him? Bringing it up would just make things worse than it already is. I hold back my words browsing the menu, my brain not making sense of the printed words because of the highway through my mind.
"Jordan I've been thinking... And I think you should move in with me." I mumbled the last part, wishing there was some sort of undo button in real-life. He looked up at me eyes wide and blinking quickly.
"What was that last part?"
"I think you should move in with me." I glanced up at him then quickly down at the menu again. In my mind I thought it would be the only way that he could be close enough to me to maybe ward off Aleks' approaches.
"Yeah that sounds great! You can come over later and help me pack then!" His happy expression radiating like the sun. It's nice to see his that happy look on his face it suites him.

****[skipping eating cuz that's boring]****

After we finished up we headed to Jordan's house my 'brilliant' idea going into action. Following Jordan up to his room and we began packing in all of Jordan's quirky possessions and cat shirts. It was quite relaxing and helped get my mind off the 'problem ' that awaits me at home.
"Is that it?" Placing the heavy suitcase on the floor in front of the door. He spun around a few times and walked through his tiny house.
"Yup I'm pretty darn sure that's all of it." He grinned putting two thumbs up.
"You're such a idiot. My idiot" I laughed snatching his hat from his head and lugging the bag to his car. Never prepared for what awaits at home.

Cliffhanger for anyone who even reads this still... Yeah.

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