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Language warning


Today is the day. My 'meeting' with James.
The day I will confess what I've been hiding for the past month or two. My past relationships didn't work out so well, so maybe I should try something else. To distract me from my 'addiction', or so the other guys and the fans say I have. Of unboxing CS:GO cases hopelessly trying to get a good knife.

I texted James yesterday about Steak'n'Shake so hopefully he'll show up.
I can admit I'm really nervous, I've never done this before, except with girls that I've gotten rejections in high school. Hopefully it all goes well.

Ok just going to take Ein for a walk before it rains will be there in 10

Ok I will wait for you there in 5


I'm so exited I'll maybe head there early, just to make everything perfect.
I bought him a steam gift card to buy any games that he wants for recording if he wants its the most I could do when he got me that butterfly knife for Christmas last year.
I wonder if he felt something as well when we hugged. Maybe, I can only hope.

Dan, Seamus and James are the only ones who know. But the whole group knows James is also has other interests relationship wise.
All I'm afraid of is rejection.


Sitting in Steak'n'Shake was both the most terrifying and most exciting thing I've ever done. I will pay for our meal then we'll go to his house and I'll tell him.
Now I wait until he gets here.


I am going to be late! Fucking shit, I got way too carried away with recording. I say goodbye to Ein and grab my keys. Running out the door, dropping my keys in a puddle. Picking them out of the cold, shallow pool I hopped into my car and hit the gas.

When I arrive I run to the door of the restaurant pushing the door, it swung with resistance and I looked to seek out Jordan. He just sits there patient and still. Looking at his phone a glass of water sitting beside his hands.

"Fuck I'm sorry Jordan, I was editing and lost track of time." I say sitting down across from him on the booth. He just smiles.

"That's okay James. But I'm starving let's order."
He orders a garlic cheese hamburger with an egg with a order of fries on the side. I get the same, just to try it out because I've never had it and he insisted that it was the best.
After finishing and getting our milkshakes we pay and head out to the cars.

"We can head over to my place so I can ask you about some editing I was working on. The audio keep glitche'n out." He smiles and nods.

"I'll follow you." He says as I step into my car rolling my eyes and reversing. Jordan's car not too far behind. I chuckle my face gets hot as he makes a stupid face behind me in the rear view mirror.
My house isn't too far from here just thirty minutes or so. I use one hand to turn down the heat, must have made my cheeks heat up.

Parking my car in the drive way I get out as Jordan's car pulls up sideways in front of the house. Leaning on the driver's closed door and waited.
Walking up the drive way Jordan fumbles in his pocket pulling out a small flat wrapped present.
"What's that?" I raised an eyebrow with genuine curiosity.

"Um, oh I got this for you as repayment for Christmas." He cringed, yeah I mentally cringed too.

"Isn't it a little late for that?" I took it from his hand and unwrapped the green tin wrapping. Underneath I see, as I stuff the paper in my pocket, a gift card that had the Steam logo and a fifty dollar number beside it.

"Jordan, this is too much? What is this really for?" I furrowed my eye brows now really wondering why he did this all.

"Well I've known you for quite a long time and I've had a crush on you since a few years ago. I wanted to be dauntless and take a risk." He slowly shortened the distance between us. His eyes flicking down from my lips to make eye contact. Now only a few inches from my face, I glance down at his pink, slightly chapped lips licking my own.

"Wondered if you felt the same..." With that he crashed his lips into mine and I stiffened. My face instantly flushed. Thoughts speeding thought my mind. Taking a deep breath I accepted the kiss, kissing with all the passion I could muster. It's been a long time since I kissed someone and it feels good.
We separate and pant from lack of air.

"James?" Jordan asked taking me in a warm embrace, before retracting to kiss me again I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He licks my lips and I part them fighting against his tongue.
From above a loud cry is heard we separate as a black shadow swoops down toward Jordan's face leaving a scratch on his forehead very close to his eye.

"CRAII!!!" Aleks flaps around and swoops again, dive bombing him again and again. He flies around once more before landing behind me on my car.
"ALEKS!!!" I yell, swatting him away before looking at Jordan who's hat had fallen off and has a dark red line streaming from above his eyebrow.
"Oh fuck, Jordan I'm sorry he's not supposed to be so aggressive."

"I'm fine. But I might have to patch this up." He says his face going pale. Closing one eye so no blood blinds him.
I sling my arm around his waist and guide him to the passenger side of my car.
We drive to the hospital as I ask Jordan ever so often to make sure he's doing fine. The ER was very full with people, nurses and doctors rushing back and forth.
"Hello. Could we get some help please?" I ask the nurse secretary. She take one look at Jordan and gets on the phone, rolling her eyes and chewing gum. We go to sit down as I get a good look at Jordan. The cut on his forehead blood dripping down the side the face, one eye still closed. The long cut wasn't too deep but made me have a sick feeling in my stomach.

"James, you have a scratch near your eye. It looks pretty bad." He smiles and touches my face.

"Mine looks bad you should see your face." I softly laugh. A nurse approaches us and looks at our faces.

"Hey, are you two part of the car pile up?" Her face looked tired and dull. The bags under her eyes made her look dead, her dark brown curly hair she had pulled in a ponytail strands sticking out all over.

"No." I say calmly. She takes a deep breath and takes a pen out of the pocket of her shirt.

"What happened? That cut looks pretty deep." I look to Jordan and he shakes his head.

"Um, my cat attacked him and me as well. He's really protective." I lied. Aleks was my friend I'm not putting the blame on him and Jordan knows that.

"Okay, follow me." She guides us to a small curtained room telling us to wait. A doctor comes in sterilizes and patches up our wounds with small skinny pieces of surgical tape, no stitches needed just a daily cleaning to prevent infection. We sign some papers and he gives us a anti-rabies injection. Just for good measure.
I know damn well Aleks doesn't have rabies, so why did he lash out at Jordan and I? If only I knew.

I said bye to Jordan after I dropped him off at his house. He said he would come back a few days later to get his car.
I got home and went straight to bed, my mind hurting from thinking so hard about what just happened.
I just need sleep.
Just relax.

Oooooh! Some hot Koova action in this chapter, huh? Well more drama to come, so long as my ideas don't run out... O^O
Later! ~ Sharki

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