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Every week on a Friday night you go to a yoga class. You love yoga as it relaxes you and helps increases your flexibility. However, this week your boyfriend Brooklyn decided to come with you- just to see why you enjoyed it.

What you didn't tell Brooklyn though, is that you've moved up from beginners and if you weren't flexible or if you didn't have a upper body strength- you'd struggle. But you assumed that he would be ok as he visited a gym regularly.

You got into a loose tank and some yoga pants, and Brooklyn changed into a tee and some shorts. You did your hair up in a quick pony, grabbed some water and left with Brooklyn.

On your way to the gym you couldn't help but laugh to yourself as you thought of Brooklyn stumbling about and attempting standing splits.

'What's so funny?' Brooklyn looked at you.

'Nothing, just excited.' You quickly covered up, flashing Brooklyn a smile.

You arrived and went straight up to the studio with your mats. You walked in and the scent of relaxing incense wafted over you.

'Ugh what is that smell.' You laughed as Brooklyn covered his nose with his hands and walked in behind you.

'It's just incense sticks- stop overreacting! The class hasn't even started as you're complaining.' You budged Brooklyn lightly in the hip and set your mat down, Brooklyn setting his down next to yours.

You sat down and started to stretch out, saying hello to everyone you knew. Brooklyn sat down on his mat and started to copy your stretches- but not stretching nearly as far as you. The instructor came in and everyone went silent.

'Good evening class- today we will be carrying on with our focus on the standing splits. I know-'

'What!' You heard Brooklyn whisper/yell, 'Y/N you could have told me we were going to do this!'

'Quiet please.' The yoga teacher instructed Brooklyn and you couldn't help but stifle a giggle as you heard Brooklyn quietly mutter a few choice words under his breath.

All through the lesson Brooklyn was stumbling and falling. He did t quite realise that yoga was supposed to relax you. Not get you swearing and give you numerous bruises.

In the last ten minutes of the session, your yoga teacher dimmed the lights and turned her relaxing music up. Everyone lay down and closed their eyes for the last ten minutes, just to relax their muscles. (A/N: I had to do this- it was so weird.) You lay down and closed your eyes when you felt something poke your side. You opened one eye and saw Brooklyn looking over at you.

'Y/N I'm bored!' He whispered, 'And I really need to piss.'

You bit your lip to stop your self from laughing at the sight in front of you. Brooklyn was lying on his side with his legs crossed his lips were clenched together and his eyes were screwed shut. He looked like a five year old trying to hold a wee in.

'Relax Brook- we only have like seven minutes left.' You ruffled his head like a kid.

'Seven minutes! I can't hold it that long! Babe- this isn't funny, I can't hold it,'

'Silence at the back please!' Your yoga teacher hissed. You rolled your eyes as Brooklyn discreetly flipped her the bird and you lay back down to relax.

When the ten minutes was up, the teacher rang a bell and turned the lights on.

'Ok class, wake your body up limb by limb, and by keeping your feet planted to the earth slowly stand up.'

'We're not even on the ground floor, how can our feet be planted to the earth!' Brooklyn exclaimed, a little too loudly.

'That's it! Shut up shut up shut up!' The yoga teacher snapped. You'd never seen her like this. 'Get out of my studio and never come back Brooklyn Beckham! And as for you Y/N, you need to find a new yoga teacher to annoy!'

You and Brooklyn ran out the room and the gym. The moment you got outside you looked at each other  and burst out laughing.

'Best. Yoga. Session. Ever!' You said between giggles.

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