Beach day

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It was finally summer! Because you lived a few minutes away from the coast and the sun was shining, you decided that a beach day was definitely on the cards. You slipped on your favourite pink swimsuit from Victoria Beckham's summer range (A/N: lol idk if she has a 'summer range') beach skirt and some gold studded sandals. You packed a beach bag with a towel, some sun lotion, your purse, phone and earphones. You hopped on your light blue moped and headed for the beach.

When you arrived you eventually found a place to park you got off your moped and went down to the beach. It was a busy day and it was hard to find a spot. You found an idyllic spot just next to a small sand dune with enough space for two towels. You noticed that you were next to an active family of six that you seemed to recognise, but you could not put your finger on...

You relaxed for a good 15 minutes when all of a sudden you felt something cold hit your back. You jumped up in surprise hitting your head against someone else's in the process.

'Oh my goodness are you ok? I'm so sorry it was an accident!' You looked up and saw a familiar pair of brown eyes. 'Wait are you...?'

'Shhhhh!' The boy put his hand against your mouth, muffling the ret of the question, 'Yes, I am Brooklyn Beckham! But please don't tell anyone, my family and I are just trying to have a quiet day out, you know?'

'Brooky, don't get angry!' I looked down and saw Harper tugging on Brooklyn's hand. She then grabbed your hand and you bent down on to her level. 'You're really pretty you know. I'm Harper- come play in the water with me!'

'Oh haha thanks sweetie. I think you're family just want to stay together, but-'

'Harper, stop whining and leave the poor girl alone.' Victoria Beckham started to walk over- you struggled to keep your inner fan girl at bay, 'I'm so sorry about that love, she doesn't get to see that many teenage girls. Is that one of my swimsuits your wearing?'

You shyly nodded, feeling your cheeks flush red. It wasn't everyday you would have a friendly conversation with Victoria Beckham.

'It looks gorgeous on you! It shows your curves so well! You must let me take a picture so I can advertise this everywhere! Just let me get my phone and then-'

'Mom chill! She hasn't even been able to say her name yet. Sorry about her, she loves being able to talk to someone about fashion. So what's your name?'

'Y/N. Pleased to meet you guys.' You smiled and covered your body a bit- feeling self conscious in front of your swimsuits creator.

'Are you here alone? Why don't you come and sit with us?' Brooklyn tilted his head to the side and flashed you a lopsided smile. You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. You nodded shyly and followed Brooklyn over to his family, which was only about five steps.

'Everyone, this is Y/N. This is David, Romeo, Cruz and Harper. I'm so sorry about the ice cream by the way.' Brooklyn sheepishly grin.

That's what it was you thought to yourself Oh god, what if it's still there! Quickly go down to the sea and wash it off.

'If you'd excuse me, I'm going to go swimming.' You quickly ran down to the sea and tied your hair up in a messy bun- so you didn't get it wet.

You slowly walked in until the water was up to your waist and ducked down so you were up to your shoulders in the water. You started to slowly swim when you heard.

'Hey Y/N wait up!' You turned around to see the whole Beckham family running towards the sea.

They all got in and slowly waded towards you. Apart from Harper who was being pushed gently along by Victoria in a floaty, giggling as she went. Once the boys were over to you, you raised an eyebrow at Brooklyn.

'You can't swim on your own, and then the rest wanted to come!'

'Y/N Y/N! Look at me!' Cruz had himself in his dad's shoulders and promptly bombed off, splashing all of you.

'My hair!' You and Victoria yelled at the same time.

'You hear that dad? Their hair!' Brooklyn and David smirked at each other.

Oh no. Brooklyn ran towards you, and being the hopeful person you are, you tried to run away. You were going for about three seconds when you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and hoist you in the air. You were spun around to see David doing the same thing to Victoria. Then, you were dunked into the salt water and then pulled out quickly, soaking.

You laughed loudly and the rest of the day was spent with the Beckham's. You were glad that ice-cream was dropped on your back.


That was so much longer than usual! I will try to update twice a week, but it's hard because of school. Thanks for all the reads!

Issy xoxo💗

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