You figure out you're pregnant

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You sat on the side of your boyfriends toilet, crying your eyes out. You couldn't be pregnant! You were only seventeen and you didn't think your boyfriend would be too happy. Your eyes welled up with tears once again at the thought of having to tell him.

'Honey is everything ok in there?' Hearing Victoria's voice made you want to cry again. What would Brooklyn's parents think of you?

You slowly opened the door and with a trembling hand, showed her the three tests you took. You saw Victoria's eyes widen as she saw what was in her hands, and then to your surprise her face lit up with joy.

'I'm going to be a grandma! Oh Y/N I'm so happy I never realised Brooklyn and you were trying to-'

'That's the thing Victoria- we weren't. He doesn't know. How am I going to tell him?' Victoria engulfed you in a hug.

'Do you know what? I know for a fact that Brooklyn will love you no matter what- he already thinks the world of you. He'll just think more if you add a moon (A/N my quote lol). Besides if he doesn't, the rest of us will.'

You smiled at Victoria's words. You couldn't be more grateful for such an amazing family from my boyfriend.

Speak of the devil, Brooklyn walked in, and the moment he saw your state he ran over and grabbed you in a huge hug.

'Y/N? Are you ok? What's wrong? It's not me is it? We can't break up! Please don't-'

'Brooklyn!' Victoria silenced him. 'I'll leave you two alone. Y/N I'm right outside if you need me' You gave Victoria a smile as she left.

'Brooklyn, sit down.' Brooklyn sat down, but took your hands and sat you down with him. 'I- I- I'm pregnant.'

'What?' Brooklyn shot up.

This was it. You knew he would make you leave. No one wants to be a parent at 17. You were expecting him to yell at you when you heard:

'I'm gunna be a dad! We're having a child!' You couldn't help but laugh as Brooklyn picked you up and spun you around. 'I have to tell everyone!'

You could hear Brooklyn running down the corridor yelling I'm becoming a daddy. Victoria walked in with a knowing smirk on her face.

'Told you everything would be ok.'

Yeah, it will be.

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