Chapter Two

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Hey ppls!!

So we're amazingly excited for everyone to read this chapter!! 

We've seen a bunch of feeback, and we love that everyone loves this!!! 

So, everything so far, was written by Anna. 

This is my first chapter written (and we all know it won't be as amazing  (thats a lie~Anna)  because....hmmmm I dunno.....) *But she is Awesome ppl*

We've had a lot of fun writing this....

So I hope you enjoy! And highly anticipate the next chapter after this!


Alayna's Perspective:

“Oh. Who’s Agnes?” was John’s quick response to my distress. 

Normally when someone says her name I would seem amazingly happy. Well not at this moment, Agnes, my cat of almost twelve years, was at an animal hospital in Phoenix.

“A friend,” I said, speaking exactly what I was thinking almost moments before.

“What happened?”

Normally I would think that someone I just met could care less about my problems; maybe he was trying to make conversation.

I could feel the shaky- twitchy hell of feelings deep inside; the feeling of wanting to run away, and scream as loud as I could, no why me? “I’m not sure.”

Clearly I was getting worked up at this; I wasn’t doing such a good job of hiding it. “Well do you want me to take you to her?” he asked.

I shook my head “I’ll drive.”

He chuckled “No you won’t.”

“Why not?” I asked and I could feel my body shaking lightly.

 “Because you’ll kill both of us,” He said, lightly taking my car keys from my hands.

“Both of us?” I said breathlessly, trying as hard as I could to keep myself from shaking further.

“Where are you going?” Chasity asked, coming up behind me.

“Agnes—” I started as her expression turned from content, to horrified.

“What happened?” She asked, finding her breath again.

“I don’t know,” I said, lowering my head.

“C’mon, I’ll drive you,” She said and held out her hands out for my car keys that John still possessed.

“Nah, I’m driving,” John added and waved over to Garrett “C’mon, we’re going to Phoenix.”

The car ride consisted basically of Chasity comforting me, Garrett’s usual silence, and for a while, John was silent too.

I expected him to ask where we were headed; I had forgotten to tell him that Agnes is my cat, not an actual person.

Somehow, after Chasity and John’s argument about how she believes that she should have driven, since she knew where we were headed, we ended up where we were supposed to be.

I took off into the large building, not bothering to look back. As soon as I knew that she was okay, I could be okay, and everything could be all normal again.    

I was completely wrong.

My mother was huddled up in a chair, her black wavy hair was dangling completely over her arms, and her body jerked a little every other second. It was obvious that she was crying.

I'd Rather Be in Love than DeadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora