Chapter 13

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BPOV Amy is so nervous about seeing Hardwell again, it's the only thing she can talk about. You're so happy for her, it was her biggest idol ever and now she just randomly met him cause you almost got hit by a car, well not just a car, Martin Garrix his car. This day feels so weird, you pinch yourself to see if you're not dreaming, you're not. Amy is jumping around and saying how happy she is. You can see a car coming towards you, the driver gets out of the car and opened the door for you. "Thank you" you say as you get into the car, the driver smiles. You see Martin's big eyes staring at you. "Well hello again" Martin says with a smile. You're beginning to blush. Hardwell is totally flirting with Amy, he said he wanted to watch some movies when we got back in the hotel, everyone agreed. Back in the hotel, Martin showed Amy and you the room you were gonna sleep in. He brought twoshirts with him. "Well you're gonna need a shirt to sleep in right? Amy this one is for you, it's one of Hardwells shirts and Beau you'll get one of mine." He says as he leaves to room. Amy is staring at you with huge eyes "did this really just happen? I can't believe it. Are we really in a hotel in Hardwell and Martins shirts and are we really about to watch movies with them?" She says. You are so happy that you almost forgot to text your parents that you're not gonna make it home tonight but that you'll take the next train home. After you'd texted your parents you get a text from Martin
M: Sorry to text but I wasn't sure if you two are done getting dressed yet and I didn't want to walk just in, you know.
B: We are done, sorry it took so long. We'll be there in 2 mins X

MPOV Beau and Amy are in the other room getting dressed. Hardwell is stressing out. "Omg dude I like Amy so much, she's so cute and I just want this to go perfect. Grab some snacks will you?" He says. You actually wanted to check on the girls but you'll just text Beau instead and do what Hardwell asked you to do. You grab some snacks and put them on the table. You put on your tv and try to pick out a movie. "We need some drinks and the lights needs to go out and we need candles and blankets, Martin what are you doing with the tv. Help me man" Hardwell says in a rush. You think he's over reacting but you help him anyways. Everything in the room is perfect. Amy and Beau walked in the room, and all you could think about is how good Beau looks in your shirt. Amy sits next to Hardwell so you need to sit next to Beau, not that you mind but you're just so nervous. "What kind of movie do you guys wanna watch?" You ask "how about something scary?" Hardwell asks. The girl agree with Hardwell so you let them pick out a movie. It's a horror named The Descent.

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