Chapter 13

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"I will come get her, and this time I'll make sure you die so you won't interrupt my plans ever again!" A voice said in (Name)'s mind

she growled "You won't get her and you never will get her, I'll make sure of that" she whispered

The voice chuckled darkly "I almost killed you, I guess letting you live was a mistake. Since you and Mavis made it easy for me to track her, I'll give you a hint 'beware of a monsters roar and a bright red moon'" It answered

"What do you mean?!!" (Name) growled but the voice laughed darkly and cut of the connection with her

(Name) got frustrated and punched the wall making a huge crack, she took a deep breath and walked to Sabertooths stand

When she got there she saw Lucy and Sting glaring at each other, their face really really close. (Name) looked at rogue and they nodded at the same time

Rogue went behind Sting and (Name) went behind Lucy, at the same time Rogue and (Name) pushed Lucy and Sting's face making them kiss. Their face were bright red

When they pulled apart they stared at each other while their faces were red, "Get a room you two!" Orga said from the balcony

(Name) was smirking in the back, "I wonder if those two will ever get together" she mumbled and shook her head

"I'm relaxed just by being with them" (Name) thought while smiling, she went to the balcony and watched the events pass by, then she saw the members of Second Players looking at her

She grew suspicious of that guild but shrugged it off, she grew bored and fell asleep, the day went by fast. When the events were over Lucy went over to (Name) and tried to wake her up

"(Name), (Name) wake up!! The events are over!" Lucy yelled, but (Name) kept on sleeping. Suddenly Lucy smirked widely, she sprayed (Name) with water making her wake up in surprise

"I guess this is payback huh?" (Name) said while rubbing her eyes, Lucy smiled and nodded "Come on, let's go back. We have a tiring day tommorow" she said and they went back to the hotel.

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