Chapter {4}

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I apologize if I say Louis instead of Harry at all in this book. If you see that I did please comment and tell me where it is so I can fix it.





Niall's POV**

"I want you to come with me tomorrow."

"Are you out of your damn mind? Your father will kill you if he finds out about going on land, me included. You can't go back there!"

"Niall let's not get into the whole 'I'm the prince you are not' thing again, and besides, I promised Louis."

"Who is Louis?"

"The boy that I met, I had promised him that I would return tomorrow around the same time I  left, Niall please!" Harry begged.

I sigh, "Fine, but if we get caught your taking all the blame."

"Deal. Tomorrow we are going to go at 12pm. After lunch meet me in my room and we will sneak out the window and go to the rocks where I met him, he has those fabric things waiting for me."

"When you say 'going to land' you are actually saying you're going up on land."


"What about me?"

"Shit I didn't even think about that! Well then when we go I can ask him to get more for you. Agreed?"

"Yep, anyways what are your plans today?"

"Nothing really, thinking about going to the kelp gardens, maybe play with the Dolphins. Talking about dolphins did Olive come back last night?" harry asked in concern.

"Yes she did." I answered.

I let out a lot of air, "Good god, there was a big storm yesterday and I don't know what I would do without her."

"So you want to go to the kelp gardens?"


We get up from where we were sitting on Harry's bed and started walking to the door but Harry stopped and grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Remember what I said Niall, you shall keep your mouth shut."

"My lips are sealed."

We walked out and the guards were gone, strange.

"Niall, was there guards out here when you came into my room?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Yes, but I don't see them now, where do they go?"

"Beats me, at the moment I just want to get out of my room."





Harry's POV**

We swam around the kelp gardens playing little games and getting starred at by other merfolk that swam by the castle. It was getting dark when the guards came out. Well there they are!

"Harry you're father would like to speak with you." I rolled my eyes, I'm in trouble.

"I'll come get you tomorrow at your house." I whispered to Niall.

"But didn't your father say that its too dangerous for you to go into the city? That its safer to stay in the castle?"

"Yes he did. No I don't care. I'll see you tomorrow around 10:30 A.M."

"Okay Harry bye!"

I swam with the guards on each side of me into the throne room. My father sat on his seat with his trident in his right hand. The guards bowed and them left the room. I shiver when I see my fathers angry face.

"What is it this time father?"

"I have some bad news. Your mother won't be returning from the Atlantic Ocean for another 3 months. There is a problem with some of the ocean life there that we are helping with."

"I know that father what do you need with me?"

"I need you to watch the castle in a couple days for a week or so."

"Father please don't make me! You know how I feel about being royal."

"You don't have a choice. I don't have anyone else to take the throne for a while. It will only be a week or two."

"What about Gemma? Why can't she?" I whined.

"Harry she left to be with your mother to help as well."

"Fine I'll do it, but I want one thing in return."

"What is that?"

"Niall gets to help me rule the kingdom."

"Absolutely not! Harry no offence but Niall isn't fit to rule the kingdom." He said sternly.

"I'm not either! I'm 18 father i have another 3 years before I take over!"

"No is no Harry."

"Then I'm not doing it." I crossed my arms.

"Yes you are."

I groaned,"Fine, but Niall is helping no matter what, you will be gone anyways what is stopping me."

"Fine Harry, I'll let you have this one, but Niall doesn't get to make many big decisions, that's your job."

"Okay, so when do we have to start?"

"You will start in two days, so Thursday, and around 1 P.M."

"Okay, I'll go into the city to tell Niall tomorrow."

"What did I tell you about the city?"

"Father, I'm 18, I can handle myself."

"You can go, But you will bring three to four guards with you."

"Whatever, I'll take my dinner in my room." I swam out and headed to my room. I swam by the two maids that I saw the other day. I smiled at them but it soon fades.

"What is wrong your highness?" Pearl said holding my dinner on a plate in her hand.

"Harry." I corrected her.

"Sorry about that, I forgot. Anyways, whats wrong?"

"My dad, the king has to go to the Atlantic Ocean tomorrow to help out with the ocean life there with my mother or the queen and princess Gemma, my sister."

"What's so wrong with that?"

"The problem is that I have to do a couple of stuff."

"Like going up on land?" Sirena winked.

"How did you know about that?"

"Niall and You talking in your room. You guys aren't whispering when you thing you are."

I widened my eyes, " You two better not tell a soul."

"Don't worry we won't. We promise on keeping it a secret. Wouldn't do us any good if we told the king anyways."

"Thank you." I breathed out.

"I would start eating your dinner before it crawls off the plate." Pearl joked.

I nodded and grabbed the plate from her. Crab my favorite! I swam into my room and slammed the door behind me. I flopped on mt bed, my green tail fell over the end as i stuff my face with this delicious crab.

Once I finished I fell into a deep sleep, thinking about Louis and how land will be before I'm suck down here for a couple weeks.

Washed Up {L.S Merman)Where stories live. Discover now