Chapter {2}

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Harry's POV**

I tossed and turned in my bed. I couldn't fall asleep knowing my friend is sleeping thinking that I don't give a damn about him. I sighed and sat up. It's only sunset, maybe a land visit will do me some good. I swam over to my door and looked through the little hole I made about a year ago to see if my dad was coming or guards for that matter. All clear.

I swam over to my window and unlocked it, sliding out of it. I shut it and slowly made my way out of sight from the castle then sped like a torpedo towards land. I found a bunch of rocks and headed towards them. A dolphin swam up beside me scarring the living day lights out of me.

"Bubbles go back to the castle!" I laughed.

She made a weird clicking sound and left. I popped my head out of the water, my hair stuck to my face. On the left side of me there was a boat that I have to stay clear off. There is such thing as merpeople hunters. Lucky for me they only think there is only girl merpeople or mermaids.

Lifted myself on the rocks and started out at the beach. I've learned quite a bit of stuff just by sitting on this rock and looking from a distance. Humans seem harmless. At least they love their families. I sighed resting my head on my hand. I hummed a little song my mother and sister sings sometimes when the reef is sunny and warm.

I sat there humming to my song, not noticing how big the waves are getting. It started down poring and all the people in the water and on land started going back to their houses. I should get back to mine.

I looked out. That waves were crashing against the rocks and knocked me down. My heart raced, currents can sweep you off your tail and take you anywhere. I turned trying to get out of the oceans grip. I swung around to quickly, slamming my face into a big rock. The ocean went black.





Louis' POV**

Liam and I were going to the beach. It wasnt the nicest day but we can come any day because our house is on the beach. My uncle Simon lives here and we are staying here for a bit when our parents are working.

"Liam I'm sorry to burst your bubble but it looks quite nasty out there. You can't even see the water with all this fog-"

Rain started down poring. I giggled when my hair came down and got me in the face.

"I told yeah." I laughed.

We both ran into the house where my uncle was standing making dinner.

"Hey uncle Si, where as the towels? It started raining outside and we are soaked."

"They are in the second cabinet in the bathroom."

"Thanks." We walked over to the bathroom and dried off. We walked back into the kitchen where Uncle Simon out two plates of Alfredo on the table. Yummmmm.

I finished inhaling my food in 3 minutes tops and went to sit down on the couch to watch tv.

"Boys, the weather is going to be pretty bad tonight. Tomorrow morning can one of you get up and see if my boat is still together?"

"Yeah I will uncle Si. You just need to get a new boat."

"I know I know, I'll get a new one soon."

Liam and I watched Tv until we past out on the floor.


I woke up with a bit of a headache from sleeping on the ground without a pillow. I checked my phone I had 2 text messages both from Simon.

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