Chapter {1}

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Harry's POV**

"God Niall you are such a dick you know that? You just can't stay out my business! You told the guards that I was swimming very close to land and watching humans? They will tell the king it's their duty! My father is going to be furious with me!"

"Harry I'm sorry! I shouldn't have told them that! Maybe if you just told me what you were doing I wouldn't have to follow you!"

"I don't have to tell you anything! You also should NEVER follow me around! And that doesn't mean tell the guards that! I thought you would know better by now! They will tell my father every time!"

"I'm your friend Harry! You should tell me things!"

"I'm the prince and you are not! You just need to stay out of my business! I can do whatever I want! I don't have to check with you when I do something!"

"Ugh! Your just like an eel! Thinking that you are better then everybody else!"

"You can't speak to me like that! I'm your prince!"

"What happened to friends before royalty? You might be my prince but you are my friend, a friend I don't have to bow to every time he enters or leaves a room! So good day your highness."

Niall breathed out heavily and left the room, slamming to door behind him leaving me in complete and utter shock. I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face.

"Harry? Can you come into the throne room for a second? I need to speak to you!"

I huffed and rolled my eyes. I swam into the throne room. My father sat between four guards, two on each side of him dressed in a green, like my tail color.

"Yes Father?" I asked innocently.

"So I heard from the guards that Niall said that you have been getting really close to land to see humans?"

"No father, I was out getting coral for a sea weed sponge cake I'm making!"

"That's not what Niall said. Niall might be hyper, weird, and crazy and many other things but he isn't a liar."


"DO NOT lie to me Harry! You don't even like coral in your sea weed sponge cake!

"Fine! I was out there looking at the humans! Is that what you wanted to hear?" Thunder shook the castle as my fist curled up.

"Harry, if I find out that you are going up ON land you will have a very horrible punishment coming your way. You will be on castle arrest for 3 months if I ever catch you out there! Humans are very dangerous and they can't be trusted!"

"Like you would care! This is the first time you've spoken to me in weeks! You don't give a damn about me!"

"Harry Edward Styles you shall not speak to me in that tone!"

"Or what? Are you going to send me to the dungeon? Lock me in my room for the rest of my life? I'd rather die then be on castle arrest because that means being around you!"

I turned and slowly started swimming towards the two golden doors.

"Harry you shall not swam away from me when I'm speaking to you!"

Washed Up {L.S Merman)Where stories live. Discover now