Chapter {3}

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Harry's POV**

I jumped into the water, more like fell when I stood up, I sank to the bottom of the ocean waiting for my tail to reappear. If it even does. A faint bright green glow shined through the crystal clear water. I smiled, I'm happy to have my tail back. I swam up meeting a boy with bright blue eyes. His eyes grew large when he saw that I had an actual tail.

"Give me a hand?" I asked so I could sit on the rocks.

He didn't move he just sat there looking at me. He gulped then reached his tanned arm out so I could grab ahold of his hand. I smiled and he yanked me up.

"Don't be afraid of me I'm not going to kill you. I know this is weird and, believe me, it's weird for me too. I've never seen a human up close."

"I must have hit my head. Maybe I slipped on something and now I'm seeing things. Humans with tails!"

"Hey, I am not a human! I'm merman, and you are awake and fine. Please, you can't tell anyone that merpeople exist, we will be hunted down and my father will be furious with me."

"Okay, Harry I won't tell anyone, under one condition."

"And what is the condition?"

"You come back as much as you can, to tell me about merpeople, I promise I won't tell anyone but it would be nice to learn some things."

I had to think about it can't it hurt, right? I mean, he did promise. I sighed. I am so going to regret this.






Louis' POV**

Harry and I sat on this rock while waves rushed against it. I just discovered that merpeople are real and I'm in complete shock.

"Fine, I will come back as much as i can, but not always. If my father finds out im in deep trouble. I'm not suppose to be here, not even near the land. I shouldn't even be talking to you."

"So why didn't you swim away right when you saw me?"

"I didn't because you didn't want to hurt me, granted I had legs, which I need to figure out later because that was the first for me. Also, when I jumped into the water to show my tail to you after I told you I was a merman you didn't run and tell people. To me, that is a sign of trust."

"I'm Louis by the way."

"Louis. I like that name, it suits you."

"Well because I'm coming to teach you about the ocean and merpeople, you need to teach me about land and merpeople."

"Okay deal." I smiled.

"Louis? What are you doing over there?" Liam shouted from the porch.

Harry and I panicked. Liam walked closer and closer to the water. Harry jumped in the water and waved goodbye.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Bring me some of the fabric stuff so I can come up on land and not be naked." He ducked under, his tail showing over the water than disappearing again.

"Louis?" Liam reached out and grabbed my shoulder.

"Liam Hi. Nothing, I was just looking at the waves in the water. Its beautiful isnt it?"

"I swear I saw-"

"We should be heading back, want to go get some lunch?"







Niall's POV**

I swam into the castle, guards were everywhere as usual.

"Where do you think your going?" One of them asked from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, switched to a smile.

"I'm going to find Harry, is there a problem with that?"

"No Niall, Sorry, he is in his room, he probably isn't awake yet. Right this way."

"I know where his room is, and im not going to kill him, i just want to apologize about yesterday, can i walk myself? I'm not a seahorse."

They nodded and left me. Gosh they are so annoying! They are everywhere! I swam towards Louis room spotting two more guards infront of Harry's door.  I huffed here we go again. I walked up to the guards and their swords crossed over the door.

"I'm not going to kill him, I'm his friend i just walked to talk to him."

They hesitated, but moved the swords out of thye way. I knocked getting no answer.

"Harry you in there?"


"Harry? Open up it's me Niall."

Suddenly I heard a lot of tumbling and quick movements. The door swung open and Harry was there. He motioned me to come in and he closed his door behind him. He swam over to his bed and fall onto it. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Look Harry I'm sorry about what happened yesterday and-"

"I forgive you Niall."

"What?" He sat up.

"I forgive you. I was being a royal pain in the ass, quite literally. I shouldn't have yelled at you. But now I need you to trust me and you can't tell anyone, not even the gaurds, no one but me understand? Or I will choice royalty over you, this can cause deaths."

"Okay I won't say anything, what is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong, actually its quite nice. I met someone today." He smiled.

"Louis are you okay? You didn't come out of your room yet."

"Oh but I have. I left to go see land again-"

"YOU DID WHAT!" He quickly covered my mouth.

"You did what?" I repeaterd in a whisper.

"I went back to land last night, It was night so the humans could not see me. The waves were too strong and I hit my head. A boy found me the next day and you won't believe what happened."

"Oh my gosh did he hurt you in anyway?" I asked.

"No, I had legs, he didn't know about me."

"Legs? you had legs?" I smiles in excitment.

"What did they feel like?"

"I can't explain it, I was so scared that the boy was going to tell about me that i didn't even think about it."

"What you said he didn't know about you..."

"I kind of told him...then showed him..." He whinced.

"What were you thinking!"

"Wait Niall listen before you flip out, tomorrow I'm going back there, he is going to teach me about land while ill teach him about the ocean. He promised not to tell anyone about merpeople and i believe him."

"Didn't your father tell you that humans are very dangerous and can't be trusted?"

"I really don't give a damn what my so called father says. To him he's the king and I'm just a peasant he can boss around whenever he wants. And besides, when do I ever listen?" Harry laughed.

"Okay so what is my part in all of this?"

"I want you to come with me tomorrow."

Washed Up {L.S Merman)Where stories live. Discover now