Chapter fourteen! (unedited)

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Hey everyone can't wait for your feedback! hopefully I get this right! let me know what you think am exhausted so hopefully its ok and sorry for the errors!

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xoxo Lana

Chapter fourteen

I was three months, 2 weeks and 3 days pregnant, when I told my father of breakfast, it was the first time he had put the paper down at breakfast in as long as I could remember. Every morning he had half a grapefruit, a bowl multigrain cereal and one coffee, never more than one. He ate of white and gold china plates and cups and saucers. I don't think he has ever washed a dish in his life.

"Excuse me Father, there is something I need to tell you." I said only just audible over a whisper.

"Yes Phoebe what is it?" He said without missing a beat and continued to read the businesssection.

"I''mmm I'm Pregnant." I stammered it out.

"Your what?" My Father dropped the paper gob smacked staring at me.

"I'm three and a half months pregnant, and I am keeping her." I said gaining confidence.

"Young lady how could you, you have ruined your life! Now what the hell am I going to do with you, who well want you now? Your nothing but a slut!" He said in the same firm tone I imagine him saying if I committed treason, but I think If i committed treason, he would be proud.

I sat in silence staring at him as a single tear feel down my cheek and dopped to the white linen table cloth, making a wet imperfection on the perfect white, starched iorned linen.

"You well leave for Providence on Monday, you well go and stay with your spinster Auntie Julie until you are rid of this inconvenience" he waved his hand over at me, a small sound escaped my mouth. "We shall speak of this no more, you well go to school today and spend the weekend packing and on Monday you will be gone and we shall never speak of your error in judgement again."

I bowed my head and nodded, I never expected a pleasent response from Father, but I hadn't expected the pure look of discugust he had towards me now.


I answered the door to Scott I looked a mess, I was in sweats and the dreaded ugg boots, but I didn't care.

The first thing Scott did was pull me into a beer hug he held me tight against him, tight against his muscular chest I felt safe for the first time that day.

"Thanks, I need that, come on I just put some coffee on." I said as I pulled away.

I busied myself with pouring to cups of coffee, the last time I told a man something so big I was rejected I didn't know whether I could do this again.

"Princess what's up? Your shaking." He said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder.

I turned to look him in the eye, his eyes showed his concern, his compassion and most of all his love. I sighed loudly and begun "What happened was a long time ago, I've moved on I've made a life for myself and Lucy, but today someone from my past came back and I don't know what to expect from here. I need you to promise not to interrupt me until I finish or I don't think I'll be able to get it out."

"Ok I promise." He said and I led him to the table he sat at the end I sat to his left. He held my left hand while my right anxiously fiddled with the cord on my trackpants.

I told him the story of James, of my mothers death, of my r.. of Lucys conception, of my fathers sending me away and finally of todays events. 

Threw out my story Scott remained silent as promised. 

"That's my story. I'll understand if it's all too much, this is your get out of Jail do not pass...."

Before I could finish my sentence, Scott pulled me into his lap pointed my chin so I was looking directly at him.

"If anything it makes me love you more. I love you Phoebe. What ever happens we well get through it together your not alone anymore."

I kissed him hard on the mouth. I had waited my whole life for someone to say that, say it and really mean it.


The day's before I left my Fathers house he didn't even acknowledge me. We were like ships, never in dock at the same time. It was if I was already gone, as if I never existed, just like my mother. Some times I wish she was here, maybe it would be different, maybe it would have given her something to live for, maybe a daughter better than me would have made her want to live.

The day I left Maria and Jodi saw me off, it was one of the hardest days of my life, saying goodbye to the two people who had loved me for me and who I knew would always be there for me no mater what happened, they had shown that allot over the last few months.

Maria had packed me a care package of my favourate things, white chocolate and macadamina nut cookies, gummie bear chocolate brownies and popcorn balls.

Jodi had made a mix tape of our favourite songs together, so when I was down I would always have the words to bring me back to happy times.

What was I going to do with out them? When the town car arrived to take me to the airport, the driver almost needed a crow bar to get me to the airport on time.

The drive to the airport and the plane ride was uneventful. 

I arrived at the airport to be met by yet another driver, dejuv dosen't even come close to how I felt.


Two weeks had passed, I had heard no more from James. Life was great, Scott and I were closer than ever, we took Lucy to the park on Saturday and had an old fashioned style picnic one a red and white blanket. We at Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches, snacked on carrot sticks and strawberries with chocolate dip. Lucy managed to swing herself on the swing by herself for the first time, it was a heart warming site, she had a smile from ear to ear and I was the same a proud mother!

That night I had booked a babysitter, Myself, Scott, Jodi and Seth were going on a double date, to dinner and salsa dancing after. Seth was an amazing guy, dedicated, passionate, a real home body and the complete opposite to Jodi, but he completed her in every way possible, and I could see they were totally infatuated in each other. I had never been so happy, it had been a perfect day.

Sunday was a horriable wet day, so while I completed my Biology essay, Lucy watched movies in her pjamas, it was a great end to the weekend and to a hectic week.

On Monday life returned to normal, Lucy was back to school, I was back to university. I got an A on my chemistry exam, It was my worst subject, so my week was off to a great start.

When we got home I did my daily ritual of collecting my mail on my way inside, as I flicked through it I noted an envelope with the Logo of Macalister and Sons, I tore open the envelop as I fought withthe key into the lock, my handbag, and Lucy's school bag.

4th of May 2011

Dear Mrs Stone,

                             This letter is to inform you to the intent of one Mr James Van de Blerk, to file joint custody and visitation of his biological daughter a one Miss Lucy Stone. You are here bysummoned to attend a hearing for above mentioned matters.

The Hearing in the Matter of Miss Phoebe Stone vs James Van de Blerk in regards to the custody of Miss Lucy Stone is set to be heard:

At Standing Falls Family Court May 25th 2011 at 11am.

I strongly recommend that you secure legal representation of your own.

Yours Respectfully

Mr  Macalister

Barrister of Family Law

With just one piece of paper I felt my world shatter............

So what do you think? Don't know much about the legal system so hope it reads ok! hope its not to sappy! let me know via comments! xoxo Lana

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